Biden’s Approval Ratings Plunge as Voters Question his Age and Memory Ahead of State of the Union Address

President Biden is facing a multitude of challenges as he prepares to deliver his State of the Union address. Not only is he grappling with dismal approval ratings, but he is also battling questions about his age and memory. According to a recent poll, only 42% of voters approve of his job handling, while 58% disapprove. These numbers have slightly decreased from last year, indicating a lack of confidence in his performance.

RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel argues that Biden and the Democrats are failing on key issues such as the economy, crime, and immigration. She asserts that voters do not want Biden to continue in his role, making this likely his last State of the Union address. This sentiment is backed by polls that show voters believe the economy was better under former President Trump, creating a challenging environment for Biden as he seeks reelection.

One of the major issues plaguing Biden is immigration. Migrant encounters at the southern border reached a record high in December, with 302,000 encounters reported. Throughout fiscal 2023, the US saw 2.4 million migrant encounters, an all-time high. This ongoing crisis has put immense pressure on Biden to address the situation effectively.

However, the most concerning issue for Biden is his mental acuity. Over the past month, he has faced a damaging special counsel report questioning his mental sharpness and has made several gaffes that have only added fuel to the fire. Critics have long questioned Biden’s cognitive abilities, but recent events have amplified these concerns. Even some Democrats have expressed worry about his age.

As a result, the media and social media scrutiny surrounding Biden’s State of the Union address is expected to be intense. Every move and every word spoken by the president will be analyzed and scrutinized, magnified a hundred times over. This level of scrutiny reflects the growing concern about his ability to lead effectively.

The White House has not responded to requests for comment on these matters. President Biden faces an uphill battle in his State of the Union address as he tries to reassure voters on critical issues such as the economy and immigration. However, with his low approval ratings, questions about his mental acuity, and a challenging political landscape, it remains to be seen if he can regain the confidence of the American people.

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