Parents of Murdered College Student Reject Biden’s State of the Union, Blame Open Borders for Daughter’s Death” (139 characters)

Article Title: Parents of Slain College Student Choose Not to Attend President Biden’s State of the Union Address

In a solemn ceremony on Friday, the family of Laken Riley mourned the loss of their 22-year-old daughter, a nursing student at Augusta University, who was tragically killed while jogging on February 22. However, Laken Riley’s parents have decided not to attend President Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech on Thursday. Instead, they have chosen to stay home and grieve the loss of their daughter.

U.S. Representative Mike Collins, a Republican from Georgia, extended an invitation to Riley’s parents to attend the State of the Union address. However, they respectfully declined the invitation. Rep. Collins took to social media to express his understanding of their decision, stating, “Therefore, the seat reserved for my guest will remain vacant to honor Laken and all American victims of illegal alien crime.”

The tragic incident that claimed Riley’s life has sparked outrage and criticism towards President Biden’s immigration policies. As the President attempts to present a positive image of the country, he will be faced with an empty seat that serves as a memorial to those lost due to his open-border policies, according to Rep. Collins.

In response to the murder, Rep. Collins introduced the Laken Riley Act, which aims to ensure that immigration authorities detain illegal immigrants charged with theft or burglary. The bill seeks to prevent similar tragedies resulting from the lax enforcement of immigration policies at the southern border.

The combined rule for the consideration of a financial services bill and the Laken Riley Act narrowly passed with a vote of 214-211 on Wednesday. Notably, no Democrats voted in favor of the legislation. The bill will now proceed to the next phase of voting in the House, where it will be subject to further debate.

Prior to being charged with felony murder in relation to Laken Riley’s death, the suspect, Jose Antonio Ibarra, a 26-year-old Venezuelan national living illegally in the United States, had a history of criminal activity. He had previously been arrested in New York for endangering a child and cited in Georgia for misdemeanor shoplifting in October 2023.

Under the provisions of the Laken Riley Act, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) would be required to issue a detainer for illegal aliens charged or cited with local theft or burglary. The bill will undergo general debate in the House on Thursday.

The tragic death of Laken Riley has highlighted the need for stricter immigration policies and enforcement to protect American citizens. As the debate continues, Republicans are asserting the importance of securing the nation’s borders and holding accountable those who engage in criminal activity while residing illegally in the United States.

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