Democrats Block Law to Detain Violent Illegal Immigrants, Ignoring Pleas to Prevent More Deaths

Title: Sen. Joni Ernst Fights for Sarah’s Law to Protect American Lives

In a bold move to prioritize the safety of American citizens, Senator Joni Ernst, a Republican from Iowa, attempted to force a floor vote on Wednesday for Sarah’s Law. This legislation aims to ensure that illegal immigrants who commit violent crimes are detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to prevent avoidable attacks and resulting deaths. However, her efforts were met with resistance from Majority Whip Dick Durbin, a Democrat from Illinois, who objected to her request.

Sarah’s Law would require ICE to take custody of illegal immigrants who are arrested and charged with causing the death or serious injury of another individual. During her speech, Ernst passionately pleaded with her colleagues to pass this crucial bill, highlighting the tragic deaths of Sarah Root and Laken Riley, both allegedly at the hands of illegal immigrants.

Sarah Root, the namesake of the bill, was a 21-year-old Iowa woman killed by a drunk driver who was in the country illegally. In a disturbing turn of events, the suspect, Edwin Mejia, was able to post bond and evade facing trial. Senator Ernst emphasized that ICE declined to take custody of Mejia despite his repeated driving offenses and history of skipping court dates, citing the Obama administration’s immigration enforcement priorities.

Laken Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student at the University of Georgia, was also tragically killed last month. Jose Ibarra, another illegal immigrant, was arrested and charged with several crimes related to Riley’s death. These incidents have sparked nationwide outrage and prompted congressional Republicans to demand answers.

Senator Ernst criticized the current immigration practice known as “catch and release,” where illegal immigrants seeking asylum are released during the processing period. She highlighted how Ibarra, had he been detained upon entry, may have been prevented from allegedly killing Riley. This underscores the urgent need to address the flaws in the system to protect innocent lives.

However, Durbin objected to Sarah’s Law, claiming that it would unfairly detain victims of trafficking or domestic abuse who were charged with crimes. He argued that the bill would deny immigrants the due process that everyone deserves. This opposition from Durbin underscores the partisan divide on immigration policy.

Sarah’s Law represents a vital step towards prioritizing the safety and well-being of American citizens. It seeks to address the shortcomings of immigration enforcement, ensuring that violent offenders are not released back into society to potentially harm others. As the debate continues, it is essential for lawmakers to find common ground and work towards comprehensive immigration reform that prioritizes the safety and security of the American people.

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