Bloodied Suspect Shot During Arrest in Caribbean Yacht Hijacking of Missing Americans, Presumed Dead

In a shocking incident, three Caribbean prison escapees have been accused of hijacking a retired American couple’s yacht and throwing them overboard. The suspects, Ron Mitchell, Trevon Robertson, and Abita Stanislaus, were apprehended by police on the island of St. Vincent. During the arrest, Robertson was shot after allegedly attempting to grab an officer’s gun. He denies these accusations and claims that the officer threw him to the ground and shot him in the foot without provocation.

The Royal St. Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force, responsible for the arrest, has not responded to requests for comment. Meanwhile, the Royal Grenada Police Force, which is investigating the incident, is still waiting for the suspects’ return to Grenada. The other two suspects were found hiding in bushes in Spring Village and were taken into custody without incident.

The three men, who had escaped from a prison in Grenada, allegedly commandeered the yacht owned by Ralph Hendry and Kathy Brandel, a retired couple from Virginia. They then threw the couple overboard as they fled to St. Vincent. The yacht, found in a dilapidated state and covered in blood, was docked off Grand Anse Beach in Grenada.

Despite ongoing investigations, the bodies of Ralph Hendry and Kathy Brandel have not been found. It remains unclear whether the crimes were committed in Grenadian or St. Vincent waters, further complicating the jurisdictional issues surrounding the case. All three suspects have pleaded guilty to immigration-related charges in a St. Vincent court and are expected to be returned to Grenada.

The Caribbean islands are popular tourist destinations, attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors each year. Ralph Hendry and Kathy Brandel, avid boaters, had chosen to live on their boat after retiring and had sold most of their possessions. Their sons, Nick Buro and Bryan Hendry, described them as living a life that most people can only dream of. They had made friends everywhere they went, spreading joy and laughter.

As the investigation continues into the escape and the couple’s disappearance, the focus remains on remembering Ralph Hendry and Kathy Brandel for the love and light they brought into the world. Despite the darkness that marked the end of their lives, their memory will forever live on in the hearts and minds of those who knew, loved, and cared deeply for them.

Authorities are still conducting an internal probe to determine how the prisoners managed to escape and evade capture. The criminal investigation is also ongoing, with no further updates available at this time.

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