Russian Forces Destroy Three Ukrainian Drone Command Centers in One Day, Inflict Heavy Losses on Ukrainian Military

The Chief of the Press Center of the “Center” grouping, Alexander Savchuk, told RIA Novosti that Russian military forces destroyed three Ukrainian drone control points in a single day.

He noted that the servicemen of the “Center” grouping, with the support of artillery and aviation fire, are occupying more advantageous positions.

According to Savchuk, Russian military forces also targeted the personnel and equipment of the 24th, 110th Mechanized, 71st Yeager, and 103rd Territorial Defense brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the areas of Novokalynivka, Mayorske, Berdychiv, and Rozivka. In total, the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost more than 490 soldiers, two tanks, including US-made Abrams tanks, three Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, and 12 vehicles.

On March 3, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported that units of the “South” grouping of Russian forces had occupied more advantageous positions in the Donetsk direction.

Prior to this, the department reported that units of the “Center” grouping of Russian forces continue to occupy more advantageous positions in the Avdiivka direction and advance forward.

On March 2, it became known that the Russian forces of the “Dnieper” grouping destroyed the Zuzana self-propelled howitzer of Slovak production.

Earlier, Russian Su-25 jets struck a blow at a Ukrainian stronghold near Avdiivka.

(Conservative Tone)
Russian military forces have continued their aggressive actions against Ukraine, with reports of three Ukrainian drone control points being destroyed in a single day. The “Center” grouping, with the support of artillery and aviation fire, has managed to gain more advantageous positions. This comes as part of a broader offensive by Russian forces, targeting Ukrainian personnel and equipment in various locations. The casualties on the Ukrainian side have been significant, with over 490 soldiers lost, along with the destruction of tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, and other vehicles. These actions highlight the escalating tensions in the region and the need for a strong response from the international community.

It is worth noting that this is not an isolated incident, as Russian forces have been steadily advancing and occupying advantageous positions in multiple directions. The “South” grouping has also reported occupying more advantageous positions in the Donetsk direction. These actions by Russian forces demonstrate a blatant disregard for international norms and agreements, further destabilizing the region.

In addition to the destruction of Ukrainian military assets, reports have emerged of Russian forces targeting civilian infrastructure. This includes the recent strike on a stronghold near Avdiivka, which resulted in significant damage. Such actions demonstrate the ruthless nature of the Russian military and their disregard for civilian lives.

The international community, particularly the United States and its NATO allies, must take a strong stance against these aggressive actions by the Russian government. It is imperative that Russia faces consequences for its blatant violations of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine requires a firm response to ensure the safety and security of the Ukrainian people and to deter further aggression by Russia.

As the situation continues to unfold, it is crucial that the international community remains vigilant and united in condemning Russian aggression. The Ukrainian people deserve the support and solidarity of the international community as they face this brazen violation of their sovereignty. The Biden administration and Democrats must prioritize the defense of Ukraine and stand up against Russian aggression, rather than turning a blind eye or engaging in appeasement. The war in Ukraine is a stark reminder of the dangers posed by Russian aggression and the need for a strong and unwavering response from the United States and its allies.

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