Republicans Introduce LIABLE Act Allowing Americans to Sue COVID-19 Vaccine Makers for Side Effects, Challenging Vaccine Mandates

New Bill Introduced by Rep. Chip Roy Allows Americans to Sue COVID-19 Vaccine Makers

In a move that aims to hold COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers accountable, Republican Congressman Chip Roy of Texas is set to unveil a new bill called the Let Injured Americans Be Legally Empowered (LIABLE) Act. The bill seeks to strip away statutory protections for vaccine makers, opening them up to civil lawsuits over alleged adverse health effects caused by the vaccine.

According to a summary of the bill obtained by Digital, the LIABLE Act will allow Americans who took vaccines that were misleadingly promoted and forced onto many citizens via federal mandates to pursue civil litigation for their injuries. The bill argues that these vaccines were given emergency use authorization unilaterally and did not go through the normal FDA approval process.

Currently, manufacturers and healthcare providers responsible for distributing COVID-19 vaccines are mostly immune from civil lawsuits, thanks to the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act of 2005. This act limits liability for the manufacturing, development, and distribution of medical countermeasures related to a public health emergency. It also established the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP), which provides compensation in the event of death or serious injury but has a one-year statute of limitations.

Congressman Roy highlights that despite thousands of claims lodged, the CICP has only compensated people 11 times. He argues that millions of Americans were compelled to take the COVID-19 shot due to fear of losing their livelihoods and under false pretenses, but few have been afforded recourse for their injuries. Roy points out that only 11 injury claims have been paid out, despite nearly 700 million doses of the vaccine being administered.

While the COVID-19 vaccine has been praised for saving countless lives during the pandemic, critics have attributed side effects such as blood clots, strokes, and sudden death to the vaccine. Republican lawmakers, who have consistently argued against vaccine mandates, have expressed concern about these cases and view vaccine mandates as a violation of Americans’ right to privacy.

PhRMA, a spokesperson for the pharmaceutical industry, criticized the bill, emphasizing the importance of safe and effective vaccines. They stated that all vaccines, including those for COVID-19, undergo rigorous safety and efficacy reviews and post-market monitoring. They argue that disrupting the current liability framework could jeopardize the ability to address future public health threats effectively.

Congressman Roy has been a vocal opponent of vaccine mandates and has previously led efforts to roll back COVID-19 vaccine mandates in the U.S. military. His new bill has garnered support from at least a dozen House GOP co-sponsors.

The LIABLE Act would retroactively allow Americans claiming to be injured by the vaccine to sue manufacturers, despite the existing protections provided by the PREP Act. It remains to be seen how the bill will progress and whether it will gain widespread support among lawmakers.

Please note that this article was written with a conservative tone and critical view of the US government’s handling of COVID-19, vaccine mandates, and vaccine manufacturers.

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