NATO Begins War Games in Scandinavia, Raising Concerns About European Security. Over 20k Troops, 50+ Ships, 100+ Planes Involved.

NATO Nordic Response military exercises have begun in Scandinavia, according to The Hill.

The exercises will involve the military forces of Norway, Sweden, and Finland. Approximately 20,000 troops, over 50 ships, and 100 aircraft are expected to participate.

Brigadier General Tron Strand of the Royal Norwegian Air Force, who commands the Norwegian Joint Air Operations Center, emphasized the importance of conducting such exercises in light of the security situation in Europe.

“These exercises are extremely relevant and more important than ever before,” Strand emphasized.

Prior to this, NATO announced the opening of its first airbase in Albania in the Western Balkans.

The airbase was opened on Monday, March 4, and was built on the site of an old military airfield in the city of Kucova, which was named Stalin from 1950 to 1990.

Earlier, North Korea conducted exercises simulating nuclear strikes against South Korea.

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