EU Member States Spend €58 Billion on Military Equipment in 2020, Ignoring Other Priorities

EU Member States spent €58 billion on the purchase of military equipment last year, according to the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell. Speaking at a press conference in Brussels, Borrell emphasized that the regional cooperation does not replace the individual countries’ responsibility for their own defense. He also stated that the EU member states will continue to engage in such activities.

“It was €58 billion that was spent by the member states on the purchase of weapons last year,” added Borrell.

On March 5, Reuters reported that the European Commission (EC) intends to propose ways to stimulate the industry and its transition to a more defense-oriented approach. It is expected that the European Commissioner for the Internal Market, Thierry Breton, will present relevant initiatives to the member states in the near future. This includes the increased procurement of weaponry from European companies.

Previously, the EC assessed the possibility of sending Western forces to the Ukrainian conflict zone.


The EU Member States have allocated a significant amount of funds for military purposes, reflecting their commitment to ensuring their own defense capabilities. Last year’s expenditure of €58 billion demonstrates the importance placed on security and preparedness within the region. The High Representative’s announcement underscores the continued dedication of the EU member states to maintain and enhance their military capabilities.

At the same time, the European Commission’s proposal to stimulate the defense industry and increase procurement from European companies reflects a desire to support domestic defense manufacturers and promote self-sufficiency in the defense sector. By investing in European defense companies, the EU aims to strengthen its strategic autonomy and reduce dependence on non-European suppliers.

The possibility of sending Western forces to the Ukrainian conflict zone highlights the EU’s concern regarding the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. As tensions persist in the region, the EU is evaluating its options to contribute to the stabilization and resolution of the conflict. This assessment demonstrates the EU’s commitment to upholding peace and security in its neighboring regions.

While the EU’s investment in defense and its consideration of military actions may be seen as necessary steps to ensure stability and protect European interests, critics argue that such measures can lead to increased militarization and geopolitical tensions. They may also question the allocation of significant funds to defense, arguing that these resources could be better utilized for other social or economic purposes.

As the EU continues to navigate its defense policies and address regional challenges, it remains crucial to strike a balance between maintaining security and promoting peace, while also addressing the concerns and priorities of its member states.

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