Democratic DA Intimidates Whistleblower Prosecutor Over Street Racing Memo, Sparks Outrage and Controversy

Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney Tatiana Chahoian recently found herself the target of intimidation tactics after she blew the whistle on a controversial memo regarding the prosecution of street racing crimes. Chahoian claims that her boss, Democratic District Attorney George Gascón, sent a plainclothes investigator to her home to deliver a letter, which she believes was purely meant to intimidate her.

In a video captured by a Ring camera, the investigator can be seen repeatedly ringing Chahoian’s doorbell and leaving a letter before finally departing. Chahoian describes the incident as unnecessary and unreasonable, especially considering she is currently working remotely due to a medical accommodation.

The controversy surrounding the memo began when Chahoian spoke out in an interview with FOX 11 Los Angeles. She expressed shock after receiving a memo from Gascón’s head deputy for charge evaluation, John Harlan, which reportedly discouraged prosecutors from pursuing criminal cases against suspects accused of street racing, reckless driving, and street takeovers that don’t result in injuries.

Chahoian compared this approach to not filing charges against someone who shoots at another person but misses. She believes that the memo is sending the wrong message and undermines the importance of holding individuals accountable for their actions.

However, Gascón’s office declined to comment on the specifics of the case, stating that they cannot discuss specific personnel matters. They emphasized the importance of honesty and addressing false claims, asserting that it is their duty to the public and to justice.

In response to Chahoian’s public statements, Gascón’s central operations director, Laura Kessner, sent her a reprimand letter. The letter accused Chahoian of failing to follow proper protocol by not alerting her supervisor before conducting the media interview and misrepresenting the communication from Harlan. Kessner also accused Chahoian of being a liar.

Chahoian believes that her comments were entirely accurate and that Gascón’s “encouragement” in the memo should be seen as an order. She questions why the office had not received notification of the diversion program earlier and believes that it was intentionally withheld to push for the implementation of the program on existing cases.

The incident has sparked criticism of Gascón’s handling of the situation. Jonathan Hatami, another deputy district attorney who is running against Gascón in the county’s Democratic primary, condemned the intimidation tactics used against Chahoian. He argues that such tactics are not representative of Los Angeles’s values and are not what the criminal justice system should stand for.

Overall, this incident raises concerns about the transparency and fairness of the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office under Gascón’s leadership. It is essential for prosecutors to prioritize public safety and hold individuals accountable for their actions, rather than discouraging the prosecution of crimes that pose a threat to the community.

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