Biden Administration Calls for Cooperation with ICE, Democrats and Progressive Squad Silent on the Issue

The Biden administration’s failure to address the crisis at the southern border is causing concern among conservative leaders and law enforcement officials. Terrell County Sheriff Thaddeus Cleveland recently spoke out about the benefits of Texas’ law allowing state law enforcement officials to arrest and jail migrants who cross into the U.S. illegally. He criticized the Biden administration for its lack of action and highlighted the silence of Democratic leaders and members of the progressive squad on the issue.

The White House’s plea for local law enforcement in sanctuary cities to cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has been met with resistance from Democrats and immigrant rights advocates who support sanctuary policies. These policies limit or completely forbid local law enforcement from cooperating with ICE. It is surprising to see the White House take a stance that is out of step with many Democrats, considering President Biden’s previous opposition to local police cooperating with ICE.

In addition, the Biden administration rolled back a Trump-era Justice Department grant policy that rewarded local law enforcement agencies for their cooperation with federal authorities. This decision, coupled with the lack of support for ICE cooperation, raises questions about the administration’s commitment to public safety and national security.

Digital reached out to several Democratic leaders, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Sens. Elizabeth Warren, Dick Durbin, John Fetterman, and Alex Padilla, to gauge their support for the White House statement, but received no response. It is concerning that these leaders, who have large sanctuary cities in their states, are remaining silent on such an important issue.

The recent spike in crimes allegedly committed by illegal immigrants has brought the issue of sanctuary cities into the spotlight. The case of 22-year-old Georgia nursing student Laken Riley, who was found dead last month, resulted in the arrest of a 26-year-old Venezuelan citizen who had entered the country illegally. These high-profile crimes highlight the dangers of allowing sanctuary policies to continue unchecked.

Even New York City Mayor Eric Adams, who previously supported sanctuary city policies, has questioned their effectiveness in ensuring public safety. He argued that the inability to communicate with ICE about individuals who have committed crimes and are part of organized gangs undermines public safety. This shift in stance from a prominent Democrat further emphasizes the need for cooperation between local law enforcement and federal authorities.

However, the renewed push by the White House and mayors like Adams has faced backlash from migrant rights groups. The New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) called Mayor Adams’ remarks “shameful” and claimed that changing sanctuary policies would result in the targeting and demonization of immigrant communities. This response ignores the fact that cooperating with ICE is crucial for maintaining public safety and upholding the rule of law.

The Biden administration’s inaction and the silence of Democratic leaders on the issue of sanctuary cities raises concerns about their commitment to protecting American citizens and enforcing immigration laws. It is essential to prioritize national security and public safety over political agendas. The time for action is now, and it is crucial that the Biden administration and Democratic leaders address the crisis at the border and support cooperation between local law enforcement and ICE.

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