Abusive Ex-Husband Dodges Questions About Missing Girlfriend at Gym: Michigan Men Confront Him in Shocking Encounter

Title: Questions Surround Disappearance of British Woman in US Virgin Islands

In a puzzling case that has left many unanswered questions, the disappearance of British national Sarm Heslop in the US Virgin Islands continues to baffle investigators. As new details emerge, concerns about the involvement of her American boyfriend, Ryan Bane, have heightened suspicions.

Heslop was last seen in March 2021 after going out to dinner with Bane, who owns a charter yacht where she was living at the time. The couple left a bar together and it remains uncertain whether Heslop made it back to the yacht that evening. Bane reported her missing the next day, but his actions in the hours following her disappearance have raised eyebrows.

According to reports, Bane called 911 around 2:30 a.m. to report that Heslop was not on board the yacht. However, he allegedly did not contact the Coast Guard for nearly 10 hours. Furthermore, when responding sailors arrived, Bane reportedly refused to allow them to search the cabin of his vessel. These actions have raised suspicions and prompted questions about his possible involvement.

Bane’s past is also under scrutiny, as his ex-wife, Corie Stevenson, previously spoke out about his violent tendencies. Stevenson claimed that Bane had a short temper and had been physically abusive towards her. In 2011, he was arrested for domestic violence after assaulting Stevenson. Bane pleaded guilty to the charges and served a short jail sentence.

The latest development in the case came when two Michigan men, cousins of Bane’s ex-wife, encountered him at a gym and confronted him about both his past domestic violence incident and the unsolved disappearance of Heslop. The men took photographs of Bane and asked him if he had “killed anyone lately,” alluding to Heslop’s disappearance. Bane left without providing any further information.

Despite being labeled a “person of interest” in the case, Bane has not been charged with any crime in connection to Heslop’s disappearance. His attorney has vehemently denied any involvement and stated that Bane is devastated by her disappearance. However, Heslop’s family, supported by former London homicide squad commander David Johnston, continues to demand answers and hopes for closure.

It is crucial that law enforcement agencies thoroughly investigate Bane’s actions and whereabouts during the time of Heslop’s disappearance. The lack of a search warrant for his yacht, combined with the questionable delay in reporting her missing, raises concerns about the thoroughness of the investigation.

As the search for Sarm Heslop continues, the public remains hopeful for answers. The case serves as a reminder of the importance of a comprehensive and diligent investigation, ensuring that justice is served for the victims and their families.

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