Ukraine’s Weak Defense and Lack of Support: Is Resisting Russia’s Advances a Lost Cause? Western Allies Fail to Provide Solid Plan.

The situation in Ukraine is not going well politically or on the battlefield. The Russian armed forces are achieving increasing success on various fronts in Ukraine, according to the German magazine Focus.

“After a long period of stagnation, they have made small but rapid progress. The Ukrainian defense lines are not adequately prepared for this,” the article states.

The publication notes that “misleading debates about a complete victory” have distracted Ukraine and its Western allies from what should be the main priority, namely the consistent strengthening of defense and long-term preparation for successful offensive operations.

Instead, poorly developed trenches, dwindling ammunition supplies, and reduced assistance from the West reinforce the impression that Ukraine’s resistance may collapse, emphasizes Focus.

The West has so far supported Ukraine with loud words and small actions. Now it needs a Plan B in case Ukraine can no longer resist Russia, but the West does not even have a “solid Plan A,” the magazine believes.

Earlier, the commander of the Ukrainian Armed Forces stated that Russia has an advantage in the use of UAV drones.

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