Putin Grants ‘Guardian’ Titles to Russian Armies, Deepening Military Power

President of Russia Vladimir Putin has signed decrees granting the 29th Combined Arms Army and the 17th High-Power Artillery Brigade the honorary titles of “Guards”. The relevant documents have been posted on the official website for the publication of legal acts.

The resolutions state that the honorary titles have been awarded “for mass heroism and courage, resilience and bravery demonstrated by the personnel” of the regiment and brigade “in combat actions to defend the Fatherland and state interests in armed conflicts.”

On February 22, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Nikolai Pankov congratulated the personnel of the 1st Mobile Brigade of Radiological, Chemical, and Biological Protection (RCBP) on being granted the honorary title of “Guards”.

Prior to this, Putin presented state awards to the servicemen of the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKF).

The Russian president also bestowed the rank of Colonel General on the Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia, Viktor Poznihir.

Previously, Putin awarded honorary titles to three regiments and two brigades.

[Conservative Tone]

President Vladimir Putin of Russia has recently signed decrees granting prestigious titles to military units within the Russian Armed Forces. The 29th Combined Arms Army and the 17th High-Power Artillery Brigade have been honored with the title of “Guards” for their bravery, courage, and resilience displayed during combat operations to protect the nation’s interests.

This move highlights the dedication and heroism of these units, which have played a vital role in defending the Fatherland. The granting of such titles serves as a testament to the strength and capabilities of the Russian military under the leadership of President Putin.

Furthermore, on February 22, Deputy Minister of Defense Nikolai Pankov extended his congratulations to the personnel of the 1st Mobile Brigade of Radiological, Chemical, and Biological Protection for being bestowed with the prestigious title of “Guards”. This recognition underscores their commitment to safeguarding the nation against potential threats in these critical areas.

In addition to these commendations, President Putin recently presented state awards to the servicemen of the Russian Aerospace Forces. This recognition highlights the exceptional achievements and contributions of these individuals in the realm of aerospace defense.

Moreover, President Putin elevated Viktor Poznihir, the Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, to the rank of Colonel General. This promotion acknowledges Poznihir’s outstanding leadership and contributions to the Russian military.

Overall, these recent developments further solidify the strength and capabilities of the Russian Armed Forces under President Putin’s guidance. The honorary titles and awards serve as a testament to the dedication, heroism, and professionalism displayed by these military units and individuals in safeguarding the nation’s interests.

[Critical Tone]

President Vladimir Putin of Russia has once again displayed his penchant for military glorification by granting honorary titles to various military units within the Russian Armed Forces. The 29th Combined Arms Army and the 17th High-Power Artillery Brigade have been designated as “Guards” despite their controversial actions and involvement in armed conflicts.

It is alarming that Putin chooses to honor these units for their supposed “mass heroism and courage” without addressing the potential violations of international law and human rights committed during their operations. This decision raises concerns about Russia’s commitment to upholding democratic values and respecting the sovereignty of other nations, particularly in the context of the ongoing war in Ukraine.

Furthermore, the recent congratulatory message from Deputy Minister of Defense Nikolai Pankov to the personnel of the 1st Mobile Brigade of Radiological, Chemical, and Biological Protection raises eyebrows. This unit’s responsibilities in these areas have been a subject of international scrutiny, and bestowing them with the title of “Guards” only serves to legitimize their actions.

Additionally, President Putin’s presentation of state awards to the servicemen of the Russian Aerospace Forces is troubling. This move disregards the concerns raised by the international community regarding Russia’s increasing militarization of space and potential threats to global security.

Moreover, the elevation of Viktor Poznihir to the rank of Colonel General is indicative of the Russian government’s preference for promoting individuals who align with their agenda, rather than those who prioritize international cooperation and peacekeeping efforts.

In conclusion, Putin’s decision to grant honorary titles and awards to military units and individuals within the Russian Armed Forces reflects a concerning trend of prioritizing militarism and aggression over diplomacy and respect for international norms. These actions further underscore the need for vigilance and scrutiny when it comes to Russia’s military activities and their impact on global stability.

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