Texas Democrat Representative Collin Allred’s stance on illegal immigration is drawing criticism as he seeks the Democratic nomination for the upcoming Senate race in Texas. Allred has taken positions that could complicate his campaign against incumbent Republican Senator Ted Cruz, especially as the border crisis remains a top concern for voters in the state.

Allred has consistently opposed efforts to ban sanctuary cities and has supported a pathway to citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants residing in the U.S. He has referred to the border wall as “racist” and has opposed legislation aimed at cracking down on illegal immigration. These positions may not resonate well with voters in Texas, where the impact of the migrant crisis under the Biden administration is keenly felt.

During his first run for Congress in 2018, Allred was a vocal opponent of a bill that effectively banned sanctuary cities in Texas. He called the bill “misguided and discriminatory,” stating that it would be a stain on Texas history. His opposition to the bill continued on social media, where he described it as “cruel” and “inhumane.”

Furthermore, Allred has advocated for a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants in the U.S., describing it as a humane policy. In a 2018 interview, he expressed the need for comprehensive immigration reform that includes a pathway to citizenship. He did not deny supporting the decriminalization of illegal immigration when asked specifically.

Allred’s relaxed approach to the border crisis has persisted despite the increasing numbers of migrants crossing into the U.S. and the chaos surrounding human and drug trafficking. He opposed bills that would have made assaulting law enforcement officers and housing illegal immigrants deportable offenses, both of which passed the Republican-controlled House but are currently stalled in the Democrat-controlled Senate.

In addition, Allred has called the border wall “racist” and has called for its removal. He stated that his generation would be the one to tear it down, emphasizing that the symbol of the country should be the Statue of Liberty, not a fence with barbed wire.

When asked for comment, Allred highlighted the need for real solutions to fix the broken immigration system, including securing the border, surging resources to Border Patrol, creating a pathway to earned citizenship for Dreamers, and reforming the system to meet the needs of the economy.

As Allred vies for the Democratic nomination in the Senate race, his positions on illegal immigration may face scrutiny from voters who prioritize border security and immigration enforcement. Senator Ted Cruz, as the incumbent, may present a tougher challenge for Allred, given the current concerns surrounding the border crisis in Texas.

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