Arizona Prosecutor Refuses Extradition, Slams Controversial Manhattan DA’s Record on Violent Criminals

In a shocking turn of events, a top prosecutor in Arizona has refused to extradite a suspect wanted for the brutal slaying of a sex worker in New York City. Maricopa County Attorney General Rachel Mitchell criticized Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s track record of prosecuting violent criminals, stating that she does not trust him to handle the case appropriately.

The suspect in question, 26-year-old Raad Almansoori, is considered dangerous and violent. He is wanted by the NYPD for the horrific killing of 38-year-old Denisse Oleas-Arancibia, who was found dead inside a hotel in SoHo. Police believe she was beaten to death with an iron, with bits of plastic from the appliance found embedded in her skull.

Almansoori was arrested in Arizona after stabbing two women, one of whom he attempted to rape at gunpoint in a McDonald’s restroom. Shockingly, he was out on bail at the time of Oleas-Arancibia’s murder, facing charges for kidnapping and sexually assaulting another sex worker in Florida.

Despite the gravity of Almansoori’s alleged crimes, Mitchell has made the decision not to release him to authorities in New York City. She cited her lack of trust in Bragg’s ability to prosecute the suspect effectively, emphasizing the need to prioritize public safety.

“I’ve instructed my extradition attorneys not to agree to that. We’re going to keep him here, these are mandatory prison sentences,” Mitchell declared. “Having observed the treatment of violent criminals in the New York area by the Manhattan D.A. there, Alvin Bragg, I think it’s safer to keep him here and keep him in custody so that he cannot be out and doing this to individuals either in our state or county or anywhere in the United States.”

Mitchell’s decision has raised concerns about Bragg’s approach to prosecuting violent criminals. Critics argue that he is soft on crime and fails to hold the most dangerous individuals accountable. This is not the first time Bragg has faced criticism during his tenure as Manhattan DA.

Bragg has been accused of letting illegal migrants who attacked NYPD officers go without bail, as well as cutting lenient deals with career criminals who went on to commit further offenses. Additionally, he is currently prosecuting former President Donald Trump for alleged hush-money payments, a move that many see as politically motivated.

In response to Mitchell’s comments, a spokesperson for Bragg defended his record, pointing out that murders and shootings have decreased since he took office. They also highlighted that New York City’s murder rate is lower than that of Phoenix, Arizona’s capital.

However, Mitchell’s refusal to extradite Almansoori sends a clear message that she does not have faith in Bragg’s ability to handle this case. It raises concerns about the safety of the general public and the pursuit of justice for Denisse Oleas-Arancibia.

As this disturbing situation unfolds, it is crucial that law enforcement agencies work together to ensure the apprehension and prosecution of violent criminals. The safety and well-being of our communities should always be the top priority, and any failures in the criminal justice system must be addressed and rectified.

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