Russian Forces Capture Numerous Ukrainian Soldiers in Avdiivka: DNR Leader Claims

Head of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), Denis Pushilin, stated on the Russia-24 TV channel that Russian forces captured a significant number of Ukrainian soldiers in the area of the city of Avdiivka, which has come under the control of the Russian army.

According to Pushilin, there were “quite a large number” of prisoners.

“In general, I can say that the enemy was forced to surrender in order to save their lives. And from the information I have, it is quite a significant number,” said Pushilin.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation can disclose detailed information if necessary, added the head of the DPR.

During the TV broadcast, he also stated that the Ukrainian military in Avdiivka had committed numerous crimes.

On February 17, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu reported the capture of Avdiivka to the country’s president, Vladimir Putin. The Russian Ministry of Defense noted that the captured settlement was a powerful defense node of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Some scattered units of the Ukrainian forces managed to hastily leave Avdiivka, leaving behind weapons and military equipment. On February 19, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported the complete liberation of the coking chemical plant in Avdiivka.

Earlier in Russia, a proposal was made to create a mechanism for integrating captured Ukrainian soldiers into civilian life.

In the context of this news, it is important to note that the DPR is a self-proclaimed state within Ukraine, which emerged as a result of the armed conflict in the Donbass region. The conflict between Ukrainian government forces and separatist groups supported by Russia has been ongoing since 2014. The situation remains tense, with sporadic fighting and violations of ceasefire agreements. The capture of Ukrainian soldiers by Russian forces further exacerbates the tensions between the two sides.

It is worth mentioning that the actions of the Russian military, particularly the capture of Ukrainian soldiers, have drawn criticism from the international community. The United States, European Union, and NATO have condemned Russia’s aggression in Ukraine and have imposed sanctions on Russia as a result. The conflict in Ukraine has become a significant point of contention between Russia and the Western world, with both sides accusing each other of aggression and interference in Ukraine’s internal affairs.

The capture of Avdiivka by Russian forces is seen as a strategic gain for the separatist groups in Donbass and their Russian backers. Avdiivka is a key location due to its industrial importance, particularly the coking chemical plant, which is a major economic asset for the region. The liberation of this facility by Russian forces further solidifies their control over the area and weakens the position of the Ukrainian government.

As the conflict in Ukraine continues, it is crucial for all parties involved to prioritize diplomatic efforts and seek a peaceful resolution. The suffering of civilians caught in the crossfire should not be forgotten, and efforts must be made to alleviate their plight and provide assistance to those in need. The international community, including the United States and NATO, should continue to support Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, while also engaging in dialogue with Russia to find a lasting solution to the conflict.

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