New York Gov. Hochul’s Controversial Decision: Taxpayer Money Used to Support Illegal Immigrants, Leaving Hard-Working New Yorkers Struggling

In a shocking display of misplaced priorities, Democratic New York Gov. Kathy Hochul’s administration has quietly changed the state’s eligibility rules for its “Safety Net Assistance” program, allowing non-citizens with pending asylum applications to receive cash payments. This move has made thousands of migrants eligible for benefits that they would not typically qualify for, at the expense of hard-working New Yorkers who are struggling to make ends meet.

According to reports, over 173,000 migrants have made their way to New York City alone since 2022. While the Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) claims that only a small portion of the $4.3 billion set aside for the migrant crisis has been used for these payments, the numbers simply don’t add up. If even 10% of the migrant population in the state is receiving payments, that would amount to around 17,000 recipients in New York City alone.

These cash payments, totaling hundreds of dollars per month, can only be used for rent, utilities, clothing, and other necessities. While the OTDA insists that only individuals in the country legally are eligible for benefits, the fact remains that these resources are being diverted away from hard-working Americans, including homeless veterans who are in desperate need of assistance.

The decision to provide financial support to migrants with pending asylum applications sends the wrong message and only serves to attract more illegal immigration. By prioritizing non-citizens over American citizens, New York leaders are betraying the very people they are supposed to represent. Lower- and middle-class natives of the city are struggling to make ends meet while outsiders are given a free pass.

Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, a Republican from New York, rightly points out that the governor and mayor’s left-wing policies are burdening taxpayers while attracting individuals from all over the world to take advantage of these programs. It is a slap in the face to hard-working citizens who have contributed to and sacrificed for this country.

Democratic City Councilman Robert Holden also criticized the endless handouts, stating that they disrespect the sacrifices made by American citizens. Lora Ries, the director of the Border Security and Immigration Center at The Heritage Foundation, emphasized the need to prioritize U.S. citizens over illegal aliens when distributing limited resources. The current approach only encourages more illegal immigration and places an unsustainable burden on taxpayers.

New York leaders need to rethink their priorities. Instead of providing benefits to migrants with uncertain legal status, they should be focusing on supporting American citizens who are struggling. The billions of dollars set aside for the migrant crisis will quickly be drained, leading to even more taxpayer money being spent and perpetuating a never-ending cycle of dependence.

It is time for New York to prioritize its own citizens and ensure that resources are allocated appropriately. This is not about being anti-immigrant; it is about being pro-American and responsible with taxpayer dollars. The current policies are simply unsustainable and do a disservice to the hard-working people of New York.

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