South Carolina Democrats Urged to Vote in Presidential Primary Instead of Supporting Nikki Haley in Republican Contest

In a surprising turn of events, Democratic Party officials in South Carolina are urging their voters not to skip Saturday’s presidential primary and instead cast a ballot for Nikki Haley in the upcoming Republican nominating contest. The move comes after reports of text messages to Democrats encouraging them to forgo voting on Saturday and wait three weeks to support Haley. However, the Haley campaign and an aligned super PAC deny any involvement with these messages.

Jaime Harrison, the Democratic National Committee chair, took a firm stance against this strategy, emphasizing that South Carolina Democrats will not be voting for Haley. “Nikki, just understand that South Carolina Democrats are not going to vote for you. I want you to get that message loud and clear this morning,” Harrison stated. He further criticized Haley’s conservative policies during her tenure as governor, referring to her as the “mother of the MAGA movement.”

Nikki Haley, a former two-term South Carolina governor and U.N. ambassador under former President Donald Trump, has gained support from independent voters and crossover Democrats in previous Republican contests. In last month’s Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary, Haley secured 43% of the vote, positioning herself as the leading rival to front-runner Trump.

The next significant contest in the Republican calendar is South Carolina’s primary on February 24, where Trump currently holds a commanding 26-point lead over Haley, according to the latest public opinion survey. While the GOP primary is open to all voters, those who participate in Saturday’s Democratic primary will not be allowed to vote again in the Republican contest.

Harrison made it clear that Democrats in South Carolina are not going to support either Haley or Trump. Referring to both candidates as “rotten MAGA apples,” Harrison expressed his disappointment in their lack of action on behalf of Democrats. Haley’s campaign retaliated by stating that “nothing would make Democrats happier than Donald Trump being the Republican nominee,” and that multiple polls show Haley outperforming President Biden.

Speaking of Biden, his landslide victory in the South Carolina primary four years ago propelled him towards the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination and ultimately the White House. This time around, Biden is expected to win decisively against his two long-shot primary challengers, Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota and Marianne Williamson.

Despite his anticipated victory, Biden has been actively campaigning in South Carolina, with multiple stops in the state last weekend. Vice President Kamala Harris also headlined a rally on the eve of the primary to show support. Harrison emphasized that Biden’s presence in the state sends a strong message to Black voters, who play a significant role in South Carolina Democratic politics.

As the primary unfolds, the South Carolina Democratic Party expressed disappointment in the lack of engagement from the other candidates on the ballot. Rep. Dean Phillips and Marianne Williamson, who campaigned extensively in New Hampshire, have not actively competed in South Carolina. Party officials encourage all candidates to actively participate and engage with voters in the state.

In conclusion, South Carolina Democrats are being urged to prioritize their vote in the presidential primary over supporting Nikki Haley in the Republican contest. Democratic Party officials emphasize their refusal to support Haley, citing her conservative policies and lack of action on behalf of Democrats. Meanwhile, President Biden is expected to secure a decisive victory in the state’s primary, with a strong focus on appealing to Black voters. The engagement of other primary candidates in South Carolina has been limited, leading to disappointment among party officials.

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