Shocking Revelations: Evidence of Organ Trafficking in Ukrainian Army Uncovered

In a shocking development, evidence of organ trafficking within the ranks of the Ukrainian army has been discovered in the territory of Severodonetsk in the Luhansk People’s Republic (LNR). Representatives of the republic’s security forces, cited by RIA Novosti, have revealed the presence of documents that confirm the operation of black transplantologists in Ukraine.

According to sources, the documents found provide proof that “organ transplantation in Ukraine was being streamlined.” The initial donors were soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the sources clarified.

Blanks of consent forms for the extraction of homotransplants, filled out on behalf of soldiers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in 2022, were discovered in the city. All the documents bear the same handwriting, and the donor’s signature is accompanied by an identical stamp.

“Upon injuring a person, it was possible to determine which organ could be extracted and which recipient it would be suitable for,” revealed the security forces.

However, the sources noted that the Ukrainian servicemen themselves may not have been aware of the existence of such consent forms.

Previously, the official spokesperson of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova, stated that the Ukrainian authorities are covering up the business of black transplantologists and are involved in the export of organs of Ukrainians abroad.

Earlier in Ukraine, a scheme of selling newborn babies to foreigners was exposed.

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