Russian Opposition Group Forms Siberian Battalion to Fight Against Putin’s Administration in Ukraine

The Siberian Battalion, a unit formed by the Russian opposition group Civic Council, is attracting fighters from Russia who are risking their safety and turning against their homeland to join the fight in Ukraine. The battalion aims to overthrow Vladimir Putin’s administration and democratize Russia by breaking it into smaller pieces. Led by coordinator Denis Sokolov, the unit currently has 50 fighters in training or battling in Ukraine, with another 40 waiting to cross the border pending security checks by Ukraine’s authorities. The Civic Council receives up to 10 applications per day from Russians willing to join the fight against Moscow.

Motives for joining the Ukrainian forces vary among the Russian fighters. Many recruits from the Russian Federation come from the North Caucasus, predominantly Muslim regions that have a history of advocating for separation from the central government. Ethnic Russians fighting for Ukraine may do so out of sympathy for the Ukrainian cause or as part of their own struggle against Russian President Vladimir Putin. Meanwhile, far-right activists hope that the war will not only collapse Putin’s government but also lead to the creation of a new, ethnically homogeneous Russian state. These far-right fighters are considered the most battle-ready among the Russian units.

It is important to note that Russian troops officially fight as part of Ukraine’s international legion, with permission from Ukraine’s defense ministry and using Ukraine’s weaponry. However, Russian law extended the definition of high treason to include fighting for enemies, which could result in life imprisonment. In contrast, the Kremlin has reportedly offered citizenship to foreigners who choose to fight alongside Russian forces.

The Siberian Battalion comprises a diverse group of fighters, including anarchists, Muslims, and members of the Free Ingria Movement fighting for the liberation of the St Petersburg region. Despite their differences, they all share the common goal of defeating Russia by armed means. The unit takes its name from the vast Siberian region, known for its abundant natural resources. The fighters believe that by taking away these resources from the regime, it will reduce Moscow’s aggression and allow the peoples of Siberia to independently manage their resources.

Among the fighters is Johnny, a 32-year-old from St Petersburg, who joined the unit with the goal of overthrowing Putin’s administration. He even expressed a desire to kill the Russian president himself. Johnny, who has not disclosed his fighting or whereabouts to his family, waited seven months to enter Ukraine after contacting the Civic Council in March. The organization initially recruited fighters for the far-right Russian Volunteer Corps but later formed the Siberian Battalion to be more inclusive and accept non-white and non-Christian Russian citizens.

Another member of the battalion is Siziy, a 26-year-old former customs official from Moscow. Siziy, who converted to Islam in April 2022, arrived in Ukraine on the same day as Johnny. He does not associate with far-right nationalism and has cut contact with everyone he knew in Russia. While his decision to go to war was not easy for his mother to accept, she has not protested against it, recognizing that there are more important things than material wealth, and Ukraine is fighting for its existence.

The formation of the Siberian Battalion and the influx of Russian fighters turning against their country to join the fight in Ukraine highlights the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine and the diverse motivations behind individuals’ decisions to take up arms. While the Civic Council and Siberian Battalion face scrutiny from both Polish and Ukrainian authorities, their determination to bring about change in Russia remains unwavering.

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