Nikki Haley Trails Donald Trump in South Carolina GOP Primary, New Poll Shows

In a recent survey conducted by Monmouth University-Washington Post, it has been revealed that Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley is trailing former President Donald Trump by a significant margin in her home state of South Carolina. The poll, released on Thursday, indicates that Trump holds a commanding 26-point lead over Haley among potential Republican primary voters.

Trump, who emerged victorious in South Carolina’s first-in-the-South 2016 Republican presidential primary and carried the state in both the 2016 and 2020 general elections, currently enjoys the support of 58% of surveyed Republican primary voters. In contrast, only 32% expressed their support for Haley, who previously served as the governor of South Carolina from 2011 to 2017.

The poll also revealed that across all age groups, Trump maintains a majority of support among both men and women. Additionally, respondents believe that Trump has a greater chance of defeating President Biden in the upcoming general election. While 42% expressed confidence in Trump’s ability to beat Biden, only 21% believed that Haley could achieve the same feat, with 42% stating that she probably could.

Interestingly, Trump’s legal troubles appear to have little impact on his support among Republicans in South Carolina. A notable 60% of respondents said that they believe the Republican Party should keep Trump on the ticket even if he is convicted of a crime related to the 2020 election. Furthermore, 62% stated that they would still vote for Trump in the general election under such circumstances, while only 17% would vote for Biden.

Haley, however, has consistently highlighted Trump’s legal woes and the perceived “chaos” surrounding him as reasons why she believes she would be a stronger general election candidate to challenge Biden. Nonetheless, the poll suggests that this argument has not significantly boosted her support among primary voters.

The poll also delved into the candidates’ trustworthiness on various issues. Trump emerged with greater support from South Carolina voters on topics such as the economy, foreign policy, and even abortion policy, where he held a slight advantage over Haley.

Despite trailing Trump in her home state, Haley remains optimistic about her chances in the GOP primary. She has emphasized that winning South Carolina is not essential but rather improving on her 43% showing in New Hampshire. Haley’s campaign has experienced a surge in fundraising, both from small-dollar and big donor contributions, following the New Hampshire primary.

The South Carolina Republican presidential primary is scheduled to take place on February 24. As the race continues, both Trump and Haley are actively courting donors and consolidating Republican support.

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