Former Michigan Republican Party Chairman Invested in Company Criticized for Handling Fetal Remains from Abortion Clinics

In a recent revelation, it has been discovered that the newly elected chairman of the Michigan Republican Party, former Rep. Pete Hoekstra, invested thousands of dollars in a company that has been targeted by pro-life activists for its involvement in the disposal of fetal remains from abortion clinics. This financial disclosure, obtained by Digital, has raised concerns about the chairman’s investment choices and their potential implications.

According to a 2017 disclosure filed with the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, Hoekstra invested as much as $50,000 in Stericycle, Inc., one of the leading medical waste disposal companies in the nation. Stericycle has reportedly serviced abortion clinics, including Planned Parenthood, and despite its policy against accepting fetuses from clinics as medical waste, it has been accused of disposing of such tissue from clinics across North America for years.

This revelation has sparked criticism from local pro-life groups, including Grand Rapids Right to Life, who have protested against Stericycle’s actions. The company had previously severed ties with hundreds of abortion centers, reaffirming its policy against hauling aborted fetal waste. However, it continued servicing Planned Parenthood facilities, requiring them to certify that no fetal remains were included in the refuge it transported.

Notably, this is not the first time that Stericycle’s ties to abortion centers have come under scrutiny. In 2012, former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney faced criticism for being part of an investment group, Bain Capital, that reportedly invested millions in Stericycle. Hoekstra’s investment in the same company has now raised questions about his stance on the transportation of fetal remains.

Hoekstra, a staunchly pro-life member during his eighteen years in Congress, has emphasized his opposition to abortion and his consistent pro-life voting record. He clarified that his brokerage account, managed by an outside investment adviser, does not hold any Stericycle stock. However, he did not respond to inquiries regarding his agreement with the company’s past actions.

Hoekstra’s election as the new chair of the Michigan Republican Party has been mired in controversy. The election is currently being disputed by a faction of state party committee members who voted to oust chairwoman Kristina Karamo earlier this month. The ideological differences within the organization have yet to be resolved, as Karamo refuses to accept the vote and argues that she is still in charge of the party.

The dispute has caught the attention of former President Donald Trump, who expressed his support for Hoekstra on Truth Social, a social media platform he recently launched. Trump commended Hoekstra’s previous achievements as a congressman and as the U.S. Ambassador to the Netherlands and endorsed him to be the chairman of the Michigan Republican Party.

This revelation and the subsequent dispute within the Michigan Republican Party highlight the complexities and controversies surrounding abortion-related issues in the United States. It also raises questions about the role of political figures and their investments, as well as their stance on sensitive matters like the disposal of fetal remains.

As the situation unfolds, it remains to be seen how the Michigan Republican Party will address these concerns and navigate the internal divisions within its ranks.

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