Andrew Yang Warns of Dangers of AI and Lack of Government Preparation

Former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang has raised concerns about the potential dangers of artificial intelligence (AI) and criticized the government for not doing enough to prepare for its potentially harmful effects. In an interview with Digital, Yang emphasized that while AI itself is a neutral technology, its use can have both positive and negative consequences.

Yang highlighted several examples of how AI is already being misused for political purposes. He mentioned the existence of deepfake videos, which can manipulate public opinion, and fake pictures of terrorist attacks being used to manipulate the stock market. He even mentioned a robocall in President Biden’s voice attempting to discourage turnout. Yang warned that these manipulative tactics could become even more sophisticated, making it increasingly difficult to discern truth from falsehood.

According to Yang, the government and institutions are ill-prepared for the dramatic changes that will accompany AI. He pointed out that job losses due to automation are a significant concern, with experts predicting that 27% of jobs in the United States are at high risk of being automated. A recent study also indicated that 40% of the global workforce will need to re-skill over the next three years as companies integrate AI technology.

Yang expressed his ongoing concern about the potential impact of job loss and cited the International Monetary Fund’s estimate that around 40% of global jobs could be affected. He emphasized that the effects of AI are already apparent in politics and urged for more proactive measures to address its impact on the labor market.

In addition to Yang, Democratic Representative Dean Phillips, who is running against President Biden in the presidential primary, has also been vocal about the importance of AI. Phillips pledged to establish an AI “task force” to study its applications and outcomes, highlighting the urgency of preparing for the AI revolution.

Despite these calls for action, Yang criticized the government’s lack of preparation and emphasized the need for immediate attention to the potential risks posed by AI. He urged policymakers to prioritize developing strategies to mitigate the negative consequences and ensure the workforce is adequately prepared for the changes brought by AI.

It is clear that AI poses significant challenges that require proactive measures from governments, institutions, and society as a whole. The warnings from Yang and other experts serve as reminders that the impact of AI on various aspects of our lives, including politics and the labor market, cannot be ignored.

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