President Biden Orders Retaliatory Measures Following Attack on US Forces in Iraq and Syria

In response to the recent attack on US forces at the Iraq-Syria border, President Joe Biden has ordered the development of retaliatory measures. According to Politico, these measures may include potential strikes against Iranian military personnel in Iraq and Syria, as well as targeting Iranian naval assets in the Persian Gulf.

The Pentagon is currently considering several options to effectively deter future attacks without escalating tensions in the Middle East. These measures could involve striking Iranian military personnel in Syria or Iraq, as well as targeting Iranian naval assets in the Persian Gulf.

Politico reports that once approved by the US leader, these retaliatory measures are likely to be implemented within a couple of days and will be carried out in waves against a range of targets. Journalists believe that Biden will not disclose the specific actions until a final decision has been made. However, the newspaper warns that these retaliatory measures may further intensify the situation in the Middle East.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated that the administration’s response to the attacks on US troops and interests in the region may involve multiple stages, be multi-faceted, and span a significant period of time.

The Iraqi news portal, Shafaq News, reported that the drones used in the attack on the US and coalition military base near the Tanf area on the Jordan-Syria border were launched from Iraqi territory.

During the night of January 28th, an unmanned aerial vehicle attacked a US military base on the Syria-Jordan border, resulting in over 20 soldiers being injured. According to CNN, this is the first instance since the Gaza war began that Washington has suffered casualties among its personnel due to the escalating situation in the region.

Earlier, a political analyst explained Iraq’s decision to withdraw its foreign military contingent from the country.

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