Hunter Biden’s Business Partner’s Connection to Chinese Communist Party Revealed

Lawyer Kevin Morris loaned Hunter Biden nearly $5 million. Why? FIRST ON FOX: An unearthed interview involving the father of Hunter Biden’s longtime business partner, Eric Schwerin, shows him boasting about the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) praising his business book and amplifying it across China, according to a video reviewed by Digital.

As part of House Republicans’ impeachment inquiry against President Biden, Eric Schwerin will appear Tuesday before the House Oversight Committee for a deposition. The committee obtained bank records indicating Schwerin “had access to bank accounts” that could be relevant to their probe. Schwerin’s testimony comes after Digital first reported that as vice president, Biden used email aliases and private email addresses to communicate with Hunter Biden and his business associates hundreds of times, including with Schwerin. The communications came between 2010 and 2019, with most email traffic taking place while Biden served as vice president.

Schwerin, who visited the Obama White House and then-Vice President Biden’s residence at least 36 times between 2009 and 2016, was considered Hunter’s point person for their Chinese business deals and dubbed the “money guy.”

However, another member of the Schwerin family could face questions about China ties after an unearthed interview details how the elder Schwerin, David Schwerin, separately touted having one of his books resonate with CCP leaders in the early 2000s. This visit led to him gaining intimate access over the next couple of decades and taking several trips to speak in China and conduct workshops for weeks at a time.

In an interview uploaded to YouTube in October 2020, the elder Schwerin discussed how an unnamed person in California read his book “Conscious Capitalism” and introduced him to CCP leaders. Schwerin said the interaction initially occurred “a year or two” after his book on business and “ancient wisdom” was published in 1998.

Digital reviewed Schwerin’s online presence and confirmed that the unnamed person’s identity that Schwerin mentions was Dr. Zhihe Wang, according to one of his websites. The website says their “relationship began in 1998 when Zhihe was studying for his Ph.D. at Claremont Graduate University. He came across my first book, Conscious Capitalism: Principles for Prosperity in the Claremont library and contacted me offering to translate it and have it published in China.”

According to Wang’s bio, he was previously a member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, whose leadership is stacked with multiple top CCP members.

Schwerin continues, saying he would “become very friendly with [Zhang], his wife and 18 year-old son and have helped Zhihe establish a business to use his contacts to arrange specialized trips to China for people interested in more than the standard touring.”

Wang touts on his now-defunct website that he organized dozens of American lectures in China and “established 17 research institutes affiliated with 15 Chinese universities [a]cross China.”

“I went over there not knowing what to expect – a little bit nervous, to be honest with you – and I had the opportunity to speak to what I call Communist Party school, which is a school for senior-level Communist Party leaders to come back to get training,” Schwerin said during the 2020 interview. “I spoke to them about what was inside my book. I had no idea what kind of reception I’d get. Believe it or not, they liked it. I really didn’t know what to expect.”

“They put my book in their bookstore, wrote about it in their newsletter, and before I knew it, a picture of the cover of my book – which had my face on it – was on the largest – or longest – bus line in China. From that point on, the Communist Party liked the idea enough to start encouraging their businesses to implement it,” he said. “And when the Communist Party gets behind something, it has some influence. So, it took a number of years, but over a number of years this became widespread, this concept.”

In a separate podcast interview from August 2020, Schwerin shared a similar account about the reception of his book and said that a CCP member said, “You touched my heart,” referring to his presentation about his “Conscious Capitalism” book. Schwerin said he has since visited China nine times to talk with CCP leaders and Chinese citizens, including holding several workshops there.

On one of Schwerin’s websites, he has a testimonial from Yao Xian Guo, who is listed as an Executive Dean of the “Economics School of Zhejiang University.” However, he does not mention that Xianguo has won multiple “Outstanding Communist Party Member” awards.

A spokesperson for the Democrat minority of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability told Digital in September that the younger Schwerin, the former president of Hunter’s Rosemont Seneca Advisors, served as then-Vice President Biden’s “bookkeeper” from 2009 until 2017. A person familiar with Schwerin’s role in handling then-Vice President Biden’s finances previously told Digital that Schwerin worked on Biden’s personal budget and helped coordinate with his tax preparers. The individual also pointed to the frequency of Schwerin’s communications with Biden and his top aides and said it was “inevitable” Rosemont Seneca business came up in conversations.

Digital reached out to David Schwerin for comment, but did not receive a response. Digital’s Brooke Singman and Jessica Chasmar contributed to this report.

Joe Schoffstall is a politics producer/reporter for Digital. Story tips can be sent to [email protected] and on Twitter: @joeschoffstall Get the latest updates from the 2024 campaign trail, exclusive interviews and more politics content.

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