House Republicans Introduce Resolution to Disapprove Biden’s Digital Discrimination Rules

FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr has responded to tech leaders’ calls for a pause on AI development and the ongoing debate over implementing a ban on TikTok. Meanwhile, House Republicans are taking action against the Biden administration’s new “digital discrimination” rules package, which they argue is a power grab by the federal government over the internet.

Led by Republican Reps. Andrew Clyde and Buddy Carter of Georgia, with the support of 65 House Republicans, a joint resolution of disapproval under the Congressional Review Act (CRA) has been introduced to nullify the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) new digital equity rules package. These rules, which went into effect this month as part of President Biden’s Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, aim to prevent digital discrimination in access to broadband services based on income level, race, ethnicity, color, religion, or national origin.

Republicans argue that the Biden administration is using the concept of “equity” to expand the federal government’s control over internet services and infrastructure. They claim that the FCC’s “digital discrimination” rule grants regulatory authority to bureaucrats, which could hinder innovation, burden consumers, and raise censorship concerns. They express concerns about the administration’s history of weaponizing agencies against the American people and stress the need for Congress to prevent this unconstitutional power grab.

Vice President Kamala Harris has defended the new rules, stating that they will protect civil rights, lower costs, and increase internet access for Americans. The FCC claims that the rules allow it to directly address companies’ policies and practices that differentially impact consumers’ access to broadband internet access service. They argue that these protections will ensure equitable broadband deployment, network upgrades, and maintenance for all communities.

Critics of the package, however, contend that it could widen the “digital divide” by imposing heavy-handed government controls and stifling future investment in broadband deployments. They believe that the FCC’s “Digital Discrimination” rule goes against the core principles of free market capitalism and is unconstitutional. Multiple outside groups, including Heritage Action for America and Americans for Prosperity, have endorsed the GOP resolution.

FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr has also criticized the rules, describing them as a “breathtaking” government power grab. He argues that President Biden’s plan would give the federal government extensive control over how the internet functions, from ISPs’ allocation of capital to consumer services, profits, and promotions.

The House Republicans’ CRA resolution is expected to be filed and would require passage in both the House and Democrat-controlled Senate before reaching President Biden’s desk. The White House and FCC have been contacted for comment.

In conclusion, House Republicans are challenging the Biden administration’s “digital discrimination” rules through a joint resolution of disapproval. While Democrats argue that the rules will protect civil rights and increase internet access, Republicans claim that they represent an unconstitutional power grab by the federal government. The resolution’s success will depend on its passage through the House and Senate before President Biden’s consideration.

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