Montana Republican Senate Race Heats Up with Controversial DACA Comment Resurfacing

The race for the Republican nomination in Montana’s Senate race is gaining momentum as a controversial comment regarding DACA policies made by likely candidate Rep. Matt Rosendale, R-Mont., has resurfaced. The comment, which has sparked mixed reactions among Republicans on social media, has highlighted the divide within the party.

In a clip from a 2018 Montana Senate debate, Rosendale expressed his support for a pathway to citizenship for minors who were brought to the United States without consent. This stance on DACA, an immigration policy that has been contentious among the GOP base, has drawn criticism from some Republicans who view it as advocating for amnesty.

The resurfacing of the comment has already led to a divide among Republican voters and individuals close to former President Donald Trump’s campaign. While some have expressed support for Rosendale, others have criticized him for his stance on DACA. Political consultant Alex Bruesewitz called out Rosendale for not being a true “MAGA-Republican,” while Caroline Wren, a political operative with ties to Trump, labeled his opponent, Tim Sheehy, as a “warmongerer & a RINO.”

The controversy surrounding Rosendale’s comment comes at a time when the issue of immigration is expected to play a pivotal role in nationwide elections. With several million illegal migrants crossing the southern border during the Biden administration, Republicans have been critical of the current administration’s handling of the border crisis.

Rosendale, who is considering a run for the Montana Senate in 2024, has already held several campaign events but has not made any official announcements yet. Earlier this month, he introduced a comprehensive immigration package aimed at addressing the border crisis and reversing key Biden-era policies. The package includes measures to “shut down the border,” restore Trump’s immigration policies, and protect American jobs.

Support for Rosendale has come from prominent Republicans, including Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., who campaigned with him over the weekend in Montana. Gaetz praised Rosendale as the “shock to the system” that the Senate needs.

The Montana Republican Senate race is expected to heat up further as Rosendale considers a primary run against former Navy SEAL Tim Sheehy, who is backed by the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), for the nomination. With Republicans already taking sides in the potential primary race, the divide within the party over immigration and DACA policies is likely to be a key issue in the campaign.

Overall, this resurfaced comment by Matt Rosendale has sparked controversy and highlighted the differing views within the Republican Party on immigration and DACA policies. As the Montana Senate race intensifies, it remains to be seen how this controversy will impact the campaign and the party’s stance on immigration.

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