Majority of Americans Believe They Pay Too Much in Taxes and Lack Trust in Government, New Poll Shows

In a recent poll conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, it has been revealed that a significant majority of Americans believe they pay excessive taxes and do not receive adequate benefits in return. The poll, which surveyed 1,024 U.S. adults, found that approximately 66% of respondents feel they pay “too much” in federal income taxes, while 70% expressed the same sentiment about local property taxes. Additionally, 60% of those surveyed believed they paid too much in state sales taxes.

The poll’s results reflect a widespread lack of confidence in the U.S. government’s ability to utilize tax dollars effectively for the benefit of the citizens. However, respondents showed a higher level of trust in local institutions compared to federal ones, with many perceiving local government as being less partisan. Chris Berry, a professor from the University of Chicago who assisted with the poll, highlighted the sentiment that “there’s no Democratic or Republican way to collect the trash or pave the streets.”

Interestingly, the poll also indicated that Republicans were more inclined to believe that taxes were too high and that they received little value for their payments. This disparity among political parties suggests differing perspectives on taxation and government spending.

The lack of confidence in government institutions regarding taxes may stem from the opacity of the tax system itself. The poll revealed that few respondents felt confident in understanding how their taxes are calculated, and only 20% claimed to know how their property taxes are determined. This lack of transparency contributes to the erosion of public trust.

The timing of this poll, released as tax season begins, underscores the growing disillusionment among Americans with federal institutions. It reflects a broader sentiment of skepticism towards the government and its handling of taxation and public funds.

The poll’s findings raise important questions about the role of taxes and the government’s responsibility in utilizing these funds effectively. As Americans wrestle with the burden of taxes and question the value they receive in return, it is crucial for policymakers to address these concerns and work towards restoring public trust.

It is worth noting that this poll was conducted from December 14 to 18, 2023, and has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 4.2 percentage points. The Associated Press contributed to this report.

In conclusion, the poll reveals a significant shift in public opinion regarding taxes and trust in government. With a majority of Americans expressing dissatisfaction with the current tax system and a lack of confidence in how their tax dollars are utilized, it is evident that addressing these concerns should be a priority for policymakers.

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