Rising Incidents of Sexual Assault on Cruise Ships: Hidden Crimes and Lack of Protection Revealed

The number of reported rapes and sexual assaults on cruises has reached a disturbing high in 2023, as revealed by FBI statistics. In comparison to 87 incidents in 2022 and 101 in 2019, there were 131 reported incidents in 2023. However, experts warn that the actual number of incidents is likely much higher, as two out of three sexual assaults go unreported nationally, according to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network. Additionally, non-U.S. citizens are not protected by the 2010 Cruise Vessel Security and Safety Act. Recent lawsuits against MSC Cruises have shed light on these issues, with one lawsuit involving the rape of a passenger by a crew member and another accusing the cruise line of failing to protect an underage girl from being molested in a bathroom.

MSC Cruises has stated that it is unable to comment on the ongoing legal cases but takes any allegation of assault on board its ships seriously. The company reports any allegations to the appropriate law enforcement authorities and fully cooperates with investigations. However, maritime lawyer Jack Hickey, who filed the lawsuits, claims that cruise companies generally try to hide crimes, especially sex crimes, to protect their image. Hickey explains that the Cruise Vessel Security and Safety Act requires reported crime statistics to be published on the Department of Transportation’s website. Surprisingly, sex crimes far outnumber other reported crimes, including assaults with serious bodily harm, suspicious deaths, and thefts. Since 2010, there have been approximately 500 reported cases of sexual assault and rape on cruise ships.

However, Hickey emphasizes that these numbers represent only a fraction of the actual incidents. The Cruise Vessel Security and Safety Act does not mandate the reporting of crimes against non-U.S. citizens, and cruise line management companies use a narrow definition of rape to significantly underreport incidents to the FBI. Moreover, there is no independent agency to verify the accuracy of the cruise lines’ reports, leading to a situation where the “fox is guarding the hen house,” according to Hickey.

Survivors of rape on cruises face additional challenges as they are trapped on the ship with their attackers until the next port. Even after reaching a port, survivors must have the resources and means to leave the vessel and return home, all while being unaware of the whereabouts of their attacker, especially if the attacker is a crew member. Hickey describes the experience as feeling like being in prison.

Two lawsuits filed against MSC Cruises in Florida highlight the traumatic experiences survivors endure. In one case, a crew member allegedly raped a passenger, and in the other, the cruise line failed to protect a 6-year-old girl from being groped in a designated children’s area. The lawsuits shed light on the negligence and inattentiveness of cruise line employees in ensuring passenger safety.

The rising incidents of sexual assault on cruise ships reveal a hidden epidemic and a lack of protection for victims. The cruise industry’s efforts to conceal these crimes and the limitations of the Cruise Vessel Security and Safety Act contribute to underreported cases. Survivors face unique challenges as they navigate confined spaces with their attackers and struggle to obtain justice. It is imperative for authorities to address these issues and implement stronger measures to ensure the safety and well-being of cruise ship passengers.

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