Government Watchdog Finds Issues with Medical Procedures in ICE Facilities

A recent investigation by the Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General (OIG) has revealed concerns about the medical procedures conducted in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facilities. The investigation was launched after whistleblower allegations of unauthorized hysterectomies and other major surgeries performed on detainees without consent. The OIG looked into 533 surgical procedures conducted between fiscal years 2019 and 2021.

According to the report, ICE failed to adequately document the medical necessity of several major medical procedures, including at least two hysterectomies. The OIG found that between 137 and 214 procedures had not been approved by the required directors, raising questions about the medical necessity of these surgeries. In addition, the investigation highlighted issues with the approval process, as some surgeries were granted approval via email or verbally, without going through the proper channels.

The OIG also contracted with an obstetrician/gynecologist (OB/GYN) to review the surgeries, and it was found that documentation to support the medical necessity of two out of six hysterectomies was lacking in the detainees’ medical files. However, the report emphasized that the findings were limited to these specific surgeries and could not be extrapolated to the entire population of major surgeries.

Following the investigation, ICE has implemented a policy requiring all procedures to be reviewed and approved through the appropriate system, addressing the vague guidance that led to improper approvals. ICE expressed its commitment to ensuring appropriate medical care and treating detainees with respect and dignity.

This report comes amidst ongoing concerns about the crisis at the southern border, with a record 302,000 encounters reported in December. The Biden administration is seeking additional funding for ICE detention beds, but the deal is facing opposition from Republicans who are demanding restrictions on asylum and the use of parole.

It is important to note that this article is focused on the findings of the OIG investigation and does not represent a comprehensive analysis of the overall conditions in ICE facilities.

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