Pentagon Lacks Strategy and Coordination in Addressing UFOs, Inspector General Report Reveals

In a recent unclassified report released by the U.S. Defense Department Inspector General, it has been revealed that the Pentagon lacks a coordinated approach and strategy to identify and understand UFOs, officially referred to as unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAPs). The report stated that over the past decades, the Department of Defense (DoD) has made infrequent and inconclusive efforts in this area, resulting in a lack of assurance regarding national security and flight safety threats posed by UAPs.

According to the report, the DoD has no overarching UAP policy and heavily relies on individual military commands to investigate and identify these anomalous vessels. The lack of coordination has led to an uncoordinated response to UAP incidents, concentrated within each Military Department. The report also highlights that the Defense Department’s efforts to address UAPs have been irregular due to competing priorities, lack of progress, and inconclusive findings.

The inspector general’s report has prompted the recommendation for the Defense Department to establish coordination among its branches. It suggests that senior officials issue a policy integrating UAP roles, responsibilities, requirements, and coordination procedures into existing intelligence, counterintelligence, and force protection policies. The policy should also address methods to handle UAP incidents while ensuring the protection of civil liberties.

The lack of a unified approach to UAPs by the Pentagon has raised concerns among lawmakers, resulting in the allocation of full funding for a new office dedicated to studying UAP sightings in the upcoming 2024 defense budget. Military pilots and the Air Force and Navy have historically reported many UAP sightings, leading to the development of reporting mechanisms and procedures since the 1940s.

The report’s findings shed light on the need for the Defense Department to prioritize and establish a comprehensive strategy to address UAPs. By doing so, the department can ensure national security and flight safety while providing a coordinated and effective response to UAP incidents.

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