New Hampshire National Guard Officer Pleads Guilty to Assault and Other Crimes, Sentenced to Reprimand

In a recent development, a New Hampshire National Guard officer who led a battalion on the southern U.S. border has pleaded guilty to assault and several other crimes. The officer, Lt. Col. Mark Patterson, was sentenced to a reprimand, according to the U.S. Army. The verdict came as part of a deal in which Patterson admitted guilt to assault consummated by a battery, sexual harassment, conduct unbecoming an officer, violation of a general order, and other charges.

Army spokesperson Leah Garton confirmed that the sentence was in line with the terms of the plea agreement. Defense attorney Joseph Jordan stated that his client took responsibility for his actions and acknowledged his mistakes. Jordan also emphasized that the judge took into account Patterson’s brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). He described Patterson as a decorated combat veteran who suffers greatly from documented PTSD and traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Patterson’s deployment with his unit to the southern border began in October 2022, where they were assigned to support the U.S. Border Patrol. However, in January 2023, an investigation was initiated by the Army, leading to Patterson’s reassignment as the commander. The investigation concluded in May and ultimately resulted in the court-martial at Joint Base San Antonio–Fort Sam Houston, where Patterson pleaded guilty.

The Army has not disclosed specific details regarding the actions that led to Patterson’s charges and did not provide further information at the time of reporting. Jordan referred to the circumstances as a “four-month situation” and highlighted that no party involved, including the alleged victims, had clean hands in the case.

It is crucial to note that Lt. Col. Mark Patterson’s guilty plea and subsequent reprimand have drawn attention to the issue of misconduct within the military. This case serves as a reminder of the ongoing need for accountability and proper handling of such incidents. The Army’s actions in holding Patterson accountable for his actions may contribute to maintaining the integrity and discipline within the armed forces.

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