National Education Association Launches Anti-School Choice Campaign, as Heritage Foundation Celebrates Impact of School Choice in Arizona

The National Education Association (NEA) has recently launched an anti-school choice campaign, sparking a heated debate among education advocates. This comes as the Heritage Foundation releases a mini-documentary titled “Making the Grade,” highlighting the positive impact of school choice on students and communities in Arizona. The documentary features testimonials from parents, educators, and children who have benefited from school choice policies in the state.

Arizona has been at the forefront of the school choice movement, becoming the first state to offer tax-credit scholarships in 1997 and K-12 education savings accounts (ESAs) in 2011. The documentary profiles four faith-based schools in Arizona, showcasing the difference that education choice policies make for the families they serve.

One of the featured schools, Arcadia Christian School, follows a hybrid model that combines homeschooling and at-school learning. With only 15 students per class, teachers can provide individualized attention and support. Another school, Highlands Latin School, emphasizes the impact of ESAs in making quality education accessible to low-income families.

Pusch Ridge Christian School in Tucson offers a classical Christian education in Spanish, filling the gap they believe public schools have in educating children. Parents Maria Gomez and Daniel Trujillo express their satisfaction with the school, stating that their daughter has flourished and enjoys attending.

The Torah Day School of Phoenix, which started with only seven students in 2010, has experienced significant growth thanks to Arizona’s school choice options. Gaby Friedman, a founding board member, highlights how the policies in the state have allowed them to maintain an open-door policy for all children, regardless of their parents’ ability to pay.

Lindsey Burke, the director of the Center for Education Policy at the Heritage Foundation, praises Arizona’s commitment to educational standards and believes other states can learn from their example. She emphasizes the importance of education savings accounts, describing them as the “iPhone of school choice.” ESAs give parents and students control over their education funds, allowing them to pay for private school tuition, tutors, textbooks, and more.

Despite the success and support for school choice in Arizona, critics, including Arizona’s Democratic Governor Katie Hobbs, question the value of the school voucher program. They argue that it drains state resources and subsidizes private school tuition. However, proponents argue that the program empowers parents to choose the best education for their children.

In response to concerns raised by Hobbs, the Heritage Foundation’s documentary and testimonials from parents and educators aim to showcase the positive outcomes of school choice in Arizona. The debate around school choice continues to be a contentious issue in education policy discussions across the country.

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