Mysterious Deaths of Two Women Draw Attention to Lawsuit and Investigations

The deaths of Dr. Sarah Sweeney and Grace Holland, both found dead in the homes of local fire captain Robert Daus, have brought renewed attention to a federal lawsuit and counterclaim between Sweeney and her former employer, the Best Foot Forward podiatry clinic. Sweeney, a podiatrist originally from West Virginia, had filed a lawsuit against the clinic alleging harassment, discrimination, and unpaid compensation. Her unexpected death on January 13, which is currently under investigation, has raised suspicions due to the suicide of Grace Holland in the same house in 2020.

According to court filings, Sweeney’s former employer had sought to subpoena Daus in the lawsuit, claiming that communications between Sweeney and Daus could be relevant to her physical and mental health. The attorneys argued that Daus, who was accused by Sweeney of being abusive and suspected of murdering a previous girlfriend, could provide valuable information. However, Daus has not been named as a suspect in Holland’s death, which was ruled a suicide by the county medical examiner and two police investigations.

The lawsuit also revealed Sweeney’s financial struggles, alleging that the clinic denied her health benefits and caused her to incur medical debt and business loans when she left to establish her own practice. She claimed to have been homeless at times and living with her boyfriend due to the lack of health insurance. The clinic and its owner filed a counterclaim, accusing Sweeney of breaching her employment agreement, violating a no-compete clause, and libel.

The families of both Sweeney and Holland have raised concerns about Daus’s alleged control over their finances and suspicions of domestic violence. However, the chief of police in Creve Coeur and county police have both stood by their investigations, concluding that Holland’s death was indeed a suicide. The autopsy and toxicology results for Sweeney are still pending.

The mysterious deaths of these two women have sparked further interest in the ongoing investigations and legal proceedings. As more information is revealed, the circumstances surrounding their deaths and the allegations against Daus will continue to be scrutinized.

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