California Democratic Lawmaker Introduces Controversial Bill Requiring Speed Limit Devices in New Cars

In a recent interview on Fox & Friends, Tesla owner Brandon Welbourne shed light on the challenges faced by Tesla owners during severe winter weather. As the issue gains attention, a California Democratic lawmaker has introduced a groundbreaking bill that aims to address the rising number of traffic fatalities in the state. CA State Senator Scott Wiener, a Democrat from San Francisco, has proposed the Speeding and Fatality Emergency Reduction on California Streets Package, which includes a provision requiring all new cars sold in California to be equipped with speed governors.

The bill seeks to tackle the alarming surge in vehicle fatalities, which have increased by 22% in California compared to the national average of 19% since 2019. According to a press release from Wiener’s office, the rise in reckless driving since the pandemic began has contributed to this concerning trend. In 2022 alone, 4,400 Californians lost their lives in car crashes.

The Speeding and Fatality Emergency Reduction on California Streets Package not only mandates the installation of speed governors but also requires side underride guards on trucks to reduce the risk of cars and bikes being pulled underneath during a crash. Furthermore, the bill includes physical improvements such as new crosswalks and curb extensions on state-owned surface streets to enhance safety for pedestrians, cyclists, the disability community, and transit users.

Wiener argues that preventing reckless speeding is a common-sense approach to curbing these tragic accidents. He emphasizes that there is no justification for traveling over 100 miles per hour on public roads, citing that the California Highway Patrol issued over 3,000 tickets for this offense in 2020 alone. The bill aims to slash the “California road deaths epidemic” and calls for an urgent response.

While the legislation aims to prioritize public safety, not everyone is supportive of the proposal. Social media users have expressed frustration, imagining scenarios where drivers are limited to 65 mph on empty highways and criticizing the potential impact on personal freedom. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration declined to comment on the pending legislation.

This controversial bill has sparked a debate on the balance between personal rights and public safety. Supporters argue that it is a necessary step to address the increasing number of traffic fatalities, while opponents raise concerns about the potential limitations on personal choice and the impact on driving experiences. As the bill progresses through the legislative process, its fate remains uncertain.

In conclusion, California State Senator Scott Wiener’s proposed legislation to require speed limit devices in new cars has generated significant attention and controversy. With traffic fatalities on the rise in California, the bill aims to prioritize public safety by curbing reckless speeding. However, critics worry about the potential infringement on personal freedom and the impact on driving experiences. The outcome of this bill will have implications for the future of road safety regulations in California.

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