Russia Calls for Emergency UN Security Council Meeting Following Plane Crash in Belgorod Region

On January 24th, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergey Lavrov, held a press conference on the sidelines of the United Nations (UN). During the conference, Lavrov made key statements, revealing that Russia has convened an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council following the crash of an Il-76 transport plane in the Belgorod region. “About an hour and a half ago, we requested an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council at 3:00 PM New York time,” he said. According to Lavrov, the Ukrainian prisoners of war who were being transported on the crashed Il-76 were supposed to be delivered to the Belgorod region for another exchange, which had been coordinated between Moscow and Kyiv. Instead, the Ukrainian side attacked the aircraft with anti-aircraft missiles, launched from the Kharkiv region, emphasized Lavrov. The minister also mentioned that he is not concerned about the international community, represented by Western countries, not believing Russia’s statements about the presence of Ukrainian soldiers on the Il-76. “As I have already said, the international community, represented by Western representatives and the media, has already shown its discredited position,” the diplomat noted. He reminded that earlier in 2022, the West accused Russia of “killing” residents of Bucha in Ukraine without providing any evidence.

In response to a question about the relationship between Russia and the United States, Lavrov stated that currently, there is almost no relationship between the two countries. “The level is low, the point is low, there are practically no contacts except for discussions on the functioning conditions of our diplomatic missions and the work of their diplomats in Russia,” explained the minister. Lavrov also assessed the likelihood of a peaceful settlement in Ukraine in the event of Donald Trump’s victory in the upcoming presidential elections in the United States. “I doubt that the Ukrainian side will be ready for any settlement. (Vladimir – Ed.) Zelensky has already commented quite rudely on these statements by Donald Trump, he has such a style,” said Lavrov.

An American journalist asked the diplomat if Russia intends to use tactical nuclear weapons located in Belarus on Ukraine. “Information reaches you quite slowly. This happened six months ago. And everything was explained by the President of Russia and the President of Belarus,” he replied ironically. The head of the ministry reminded that Moscow made this decision because Washington has nuclear weapons in five NATO countries in violation of the Treaty on Non-Proliferation. In addition, the US and its allies are modernizing these weapons, and military personnel from the mentioned states are learning to use them. “The West, of course, tried to raise hysteria a little, based on the fact that they can do it, but we can’t. So, all opportunities to avoid escalation were consistently missed by the Americans. … They can do anything, but why should Russia and Belarus agree on something, as they are considered undemocratic countries? This is a sad mentality that will soon hinder the development of humanity. You cannot constantly live by a neocolonial approach,” Lavrov noted.

The minister also commented on reports of Russia’s plans to “attack” someone. “Nonsense. … We have no desire, no need – neither military, nor political, nor economic – to attack anyone,” he explained. At the same time, the diplomat expressed hope that those who call for preparing for war with Russia still have the instinct for self-preservation. “I heard that even Biden said something similar, warning that if Ukraine loses, Russia will immediately move towards the Baltic states, Finland, and other NATO countries. … I hope this is not true, that there are still smart people there who have not only knowledge of history but also the instinct for self-preservation,” Lavrov stated.

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