Record Number of ‘Gotaways’ at Southern Border Raises Concerns about National Security

In a recent report, it has been revealed that the number of “gotaways” at the southern border of the United States last fiscal year exceeded the combined population of Missouri’s two largest cities. This alarming information has prompted Republican Senator Josh Hawley to demand transparency from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) regarding these illegal immigrants who have entered the country without being stopped or tracked.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report, cited by Hawley, stated that there were a record-setting 860,000 illegal immigrants who evaded Border Patrol agents in fiscal year 2023. This number is significantly higher than previous estimates and raises concerns about national security. Gotaways are individuals who crossed the border but were not observed or detected by CBP officials. They are of particular concern to officials as they are more likely to have criminal convictions or other hidden agendas.

Hawley, in his letter to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, expressed his worries about the increasing number of gotaways and the lack of transparency from the department. He highlighted that the crisis at the southern border has worsened under Mayorkas’ leadership, with nearly 2 million illegal immigrants successfully evading border officials during the Biden Administration.

The senator also called for DHS to provide more information about the methodology used to estimate the number of gotaways and to disclose the presence of suspected terrorists, violent criminals, and other felons among them. This request aims to shed light on the potential national security risks associated with the porous border.

DHS, on its part, acknowledges that gotaways have been a long-standing issue and attributes it to a “broken” immigration system that requires comprehensive reform and funding from Congress. The department is seeking over $14 billion in border funding to address this issue, including investments in technology and personnel. However, this funding is currently being held due to Republican demands for asylum limits and the use of parole.

Despite the challenges, DHS highlights its investments in technology and personnel that have led to increased situational awareness and higher levels of apprehensions. The department claims that, on average, the rate of apprehensions remains consistent with the Trump administration and is significantly higher than in the early 2000s.

The report also mentions that in the current fiscal year (FY 24), over 96,000 known getaways have already been recorded, averaging around 800 per day. This ongoing trend further emphasizes the urgency of addressing the border crisis and implementing effective measures to ensure national security.

As the debate over immigration and border security continues, it is crucial for the government to provide transparent and accurate information to address the concerns raised by lawmakers and the American public.

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