Oregon Democrats Propose Rollback of Drug Decriminalization Law Amidst Surge in Public Drug Use and Overdose Deaths

As Portland grapples with a concerning rise in open-air drug use, our team accompanied the police bureau’s bike squad to witness the situation firsthand in the City of Roses. Against this backdrop, Oregon Democrats have unveiled a plan to reverse the state’s pioneering drug decriminalization law, citing the need to address rampant public drug use and escalating overdose deaths. However, this proposal has drawn criticism not only from Republicans but also from pro-decriminalization advocacy groups.

In response to the worsening drug crisis, Senate Majority Leader Kate Lieber emphasized the urgency of expanding drug treatment and addiction prevention in Oregon while cracking down on drug dealers and cleaning up communities. She acknowledged that solving this problem would take time but expressed confidence that the proposed plan would provide the necessary help, clean up neighborhoods, and save lives.

The Oregon lawmakers on the Joint Committee on Addiction and Community Safety Response have put forth a proposal to re-criminalize drug possession, thereby undoing a key aspect of Measure 110 – the first-in-the-nation decriminalization law passed by 58% of voters in 2020. The plan also includes harsher sentences for drug dealing near specific locations such as parks or homeless shelters. Additionally, it aims to improve access to treatment, housing, and insurance for individuals struggling with addiction.

Critics, including the Executive Director of Partnership for Safety and Justice, Andy Ko, have voiced their opposition to the Democrats’ plan, arguing that treating addiction as a criminal issue is counterproductive and wasteful. They highlight the need to prioritize healthcare over punishment, citing the failures of punitive policies over the past decades.

Interestingly, Republicans introduced similar legislation earlier this month, but they believe the Democratic proposal is not tough enough. They advocate for reclassifying deadly drugs such as fentanyl, heroin, and meth as Class A misdemeanors, with mandatory treatment to avoid jail time. If convicted, drug users could face up to a year in jail, a $6,250 fine, or both.

In response to the concerns raised by various political and business leaders in Oregon, the Coalition to Fix & Improve Measure 110 has vowed to push for legislative reforms and, if necessary, present a ballot measure to voters. They argue that the current proposals fall short and advocate for Class A misdemeanor classification to effectively steer more people towards treatment.

Lawmakers are set to convene a special legislative session beginning on February 5, expected to last no more than 35 days. The debate surrounding drug decriminalization and the need for stricter penalties is fueled by the surge in addiction rates and overdose deaths, both in Oregon and across the country, largely driven by the increasing prevalence of fentanyl. Numerous polls indicate that Oregonians support re-criminalizing hard drugs and making treatment mandatory rather than voluntary.

The urgency to address the drug crisis is also felt at the city level, particularly in Portland, where the effects of Oregon’s drug laws are most pronounced. City officials have been urging the state to take action, emphasizing the need to equip first responders with the necessary tools to intervene in cases of public drug use. A unanimous ordinance banning public drug use was passed by Portland’s City Council in September, but its enforcement awaits the passage of state legislation.

In conclusion, Oregon Democrats’ proposal to roll back the state’s drug decriminalization law has ignited a contentious debate. While Republicans argue for tougher penalties, critics assert that treating addiction as a criminal issue is ineffective. As the legislative session approaches, the fate of Oregon’s drug laws hangs in the balance, with policymakers being urged to prioritize public safety and healthcare over political interests.

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