NRA-Backed Bill Advances in Idaho to Arm School Staff for Safety

An NRA-backed bill in Idaho that would allow public school teachers and staff to arm themselves on school grounds has passed its first legislative hurdle. The bill, known as HB 415, received support from Republicans on the House State Affairs Committee, who voted along party lines to advance it. The legislation aims to empower trained and responsible school employees to carry concealed firearms, reflecting a commitment to protecting vulnerable children and defending the Second Amendment.

NRA Idaho Director Aoibheann Cline emphasized that the bill not only ensures children’s safety but also guarantees the privacy and strategic advantage of armed defenders by keeping their permit details confidential. The bill will now move to the House floor for further consideration.

State Rep. Edward Hill, the Republican who introduced the bill, stated that there is a dire need to secure schools against potential threats. The proposed legislation aims to address the critical 3-5 minutes where most of the harm occurs during a school shooting. Hill believes that arming teachers and other school staff would help close this gap and protect students.

Under HB 415, only Idaho school employees with “enhanced” concealed weapons permits would be allowed to carry firearms on school premises. These enhanced permits require residents aged 21 and older to undergo eight hours of specified firearm training and a background check. Armed staff would have immediate control of their weapons, keeping them concealed on their person. They would also need to inform the school’s principal about their concealed carry license.

While the bill protects the identities of armed teachers from public records requests, the school would maintain a list of armed staff members to share with law enforcement. The legislation also exempts armed teachers from civil or criminal liability for using their firearms during a lethal threat.

During the public comment period, critics argued that teachers did not request the legislation, expressing concerns about the potential for increased violence with more guns on school grounds. However, supporters of the bill, including NRA Idaho, believe that children deserve the strongest shield against tragedy, and HB 415 would provide that protection.

The bill’s advancement has sparked both support and opposition, with further debates expected as it progresses through the legislative process.

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