Former GOP Presidential Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy Blasts Nikki Haley and Celebrates Trump’s Victory in New Hampshire

Former GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy criticized former United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley and praised former President Trump’s win in New Hampshire as a triumph for the “America first” agenda. Speaking at Trump’s election headquarters on Tuesday night, Ramaswamy declared Trump’s victory as a defeat for the “America last” approach represented by Haley and President Biden.

Ramaswamy accused Haley of being out of touch with the American people and aligned her with big corporations and big pharma. He criticized her for proposing to cut social security to allocate more funds to Ukraine, insinuating that it would benefit corrupt officials rather than the American people. According to Ramaswamy, Trump’s victory was a testament to the strength of the “America first” movement.

Ramaswamy further denounced Haley’s continued participation in the race, labeling it as the “ugly underbelly of American politics” driven by wealthy donors who prioritize their own interests over those of the American people. He called on the public to reject this influence and create a government that is accountable to the citizens.

In response to his win, Trump expressed gratitude and honor for the result. He emphasized his commitment to the American people and the “America first” philosophy. Haley, on the other hand, congratulated Trump on his victory while asserting that the race was far from over. She emphasized the significance of New Hampshire as the first primary state and vowed to continue competing.

The focus of the race now shifts to South Carolina, where the next primary will take place. Trump currently maintains a considerable lead over Haley in the state, according to polls. The outcome of this primary will play a crucial role in shaping the trajectory of the Republican presidential race.

Overall, Ramaswamy’s criticism of Haley and celebration of Trump’s victory underscore the ongoing ideological divisions within the Republican Party. The clash between the “America first” and “America last” approaches continues to shape the political landscape, with the upcoming primaries holding significant importance for the future of the party.

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