Controversy Surrounds Georgia Prosecutor Nathan Wade’s Divorce Amid Misconduct Allegations

In a recent development, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has faced misconduct allegations following the unsealing of prosecutor Nathan Wade’s divorce documents. The allegations highlight Wade’s alleged inadequate responses regarding his alcohol, drug, and medication use. Wade, who has been going through a contentious divorce with his wife of 26 years, Joycelyn Wade, since 2021, has been accused of failing to provide satisfactory answers and documentation requested by his wife’s lawyers. These court papers, unsealed in February 2023, have now shed light on the ongoing legal battle.

The divorce case took a controversial turn after Nathan Wade was appointed as a special prosecutor in the Trump election interference investigation by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis. This appointment raised eyebrows due to rumors of a secret relationship between the two. Despite seeking an end to his marriage, Wade has repeatedly failed to address basic questions and provide necessary documentation, according to his wife’s lawyers. They claim that his responses were “woefully inadequate” and of little use in the divorce proceedings.

One of the key issues raised in the court papers was Wade’s alcohol usage. Joycelyn Wade requested information about the brands of alcohol he consumed and whether he had ever driven within an hour of drinking. His response stated that he drank red wine once a week at home with dinner. Regarding drug use, Wade denied any illegal drug use but failed to address legal or prescription drug use adequately, according to his wife’s lawyers. They argue that his disclosure about taking pain medications and antibiotics after a surgery in April 2020 lacked important details such as the specific medications, dosage, and prescribing authority.

It’s important to note that Wade is not accused of drug or alcohol abuse in the court filings. However, his wife’s lawyers have expressed concerns about his lack of cooperation throughout the divorce proceedings. Wade faced a civil contempt order in August for not complying with a judge’s order to hand over discovery to his wife’s lawyers. Additionally, his lawyers filed another motion in September, alleging that he was avoiding turning over financial records, despite claiming to have earned substantial sums from his work on the Trump investigation.

The controversy surrounding the divorce case intensified when allegations of an affair between Wade and District Attorney Fani Willis emerged. Joycelyn Wade’s lawyers served Willis with a subpoena to be deposed in the divorce case, but a judge has put that deposition on hold until Wade has been deposed as well. The judge has also ruled that Mrs. Wade has the right to uncover any alleged affair by her husband. Willis’ lawyer argued against her deposition, stating that it is irrelevant to the case, which is about dividing marital assets.

Superior Court Judge Henry Thompson has unsealed the divorce case due to the increased public interest stemming from the misconduct allegations against Wade and Willis. The case has garnered attention as it raises questions about the conduct of public officials and the potential impact on their professional responsibilities. The ongoing legal battle between Nathan Wade and Joycelyn Wade continues to unfold, with the divorce proceedings shedding light on alleged misconduct and secret relationships.

In conclusion, the controversy surrounding Georgia prosecutor Nathan Wade’s divorce and the allegations of misconduct have captured public attention. The unsealed court papers reveal the contentious nature of the divorce proceedings, with Wade being accused of providing inadequate responses and failing to cooperate with his wife’s lawyers. The case has also drawn attention due to rumors of an affair between Wade and Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis. As the legal battle unfolds, questions arise about the conduct of public officials and the potential implications for their professional responsibilities.

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