Oklahoma Lawmaker Proposes Bill to Crack Down on Pornography and Strengthen Family Values

An Oklahoma state lawmaker, State Sen. Dusty Deevers, has introduced a bill into the state legislature that aims to prohibit the production, dissemination, and consumption of “unlawful” pornography. The proposed legislation not only seeks to outlaw pornography, but it also imposes fines on individuals who watch media depicting sexual intercourse. The bill, if approved, would also ban sexting between non-married individuals.

Sen. Deevers, a Republican from Elgin, argues that the bill is crucial for strengthening the foundation of society, which he believes lies in strong families. He asserts that civil society has blurred the line between liberty and license for too long. The legislation aims to curb the production and spread of pornographic materials lacking “serious” scientific, political, educational, literary, or artistic value.

Under the proposed law, engaging in media that depicts sexual intercourse, masturbation, or stimulation could result in up to a year in prison and a minimum fine of $2,000. The bill defines “unlawful pornography” as depictions of sexual conduct that are patently offensive under contemporary community standards and lack serious literary, artistic, educational, political, or scientific purposes or value.

The legislation covers a wide range of mediums, including films, pictures, video games, books, magazines, drawings, and statues. It also allows for civil suits to be filed, with complainants potentially receiving $10,000 in statutory damages for each “depiction,” aiming to discourage repeat offenses.

Additionally, the proposed bill strengthens punishments for individuals involved in the production, distribution, and consumption of child pornography. Those found guilty of child pornography-related charges could face up to 20 years in prison, a $25,000 fine, and mandatory sex offender registration. Repeat offenders may face an additional 30 years in prison.

Critics of the bill argue that it infringes upon personal freedoms and raises concerns about potential censorship. They believe that the legislation may have unintended consequences, such as limiting artistic expression and stifling legitimate sexual education.

Sen. Deevers did not immediately respond to inquiries about the legislation.

The proposed bill comes amid ongoing debates surrounding the influence of pornography on society and the protection of children from sexual exploitation. Advocates for stricter regulations argue that it is essential to safeguard family values and maintain moral standards. However, opponents emphasize the importance of balancing individual freedoms with the need for responsible consumption and education.

It remains to be seen whether the bill will garner enough support to be passed into law.

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