Russia’s ‘Sarmat’ Missile Complexes on Combat Alert: No Shift in Strategic Balance with the US

Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister, Sergei Ryabkov, has stated that the combat alert status of the Russian missile complexes “Sarmat” will not alter the strategic balance with the United States. In his statement to RIA Novosti, Ryabkov confirmed Russia’s adherence to the quantitative levels established in the Treaty on the Reduction of Strategic Weapons (START).

However, Ryabkov also acknowledged that the implementation of the START treaty has been suspended, making it difficult to accurately assess the actual number of weapons. He referred to Russia’s strategic nuclear forces as a “living organism” and emphasized that any changes in their quantity are a result of modernization programs and the gradual decommissioning of older missile complexes.

On November 18th, the state-of-the-art “Sarmat” missile complex, based in underground silos, was placed on combat alert. This complex includes the heavy liquid-fueled intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) of the same name.

Earlier, a military expert revealed the unique features of the Russian “Alabuga” missile complex.

It is important to note that the context surrounding this development involves ongoing tensions between Russia and the United States. Critics argue that the US position backing the war in Ukraine has strained relations between the two countries and has implications for NATO. The strategic implications of Russia’s combat alert status and its impact on global security are subjects worthy of analysis and debate.

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