Tragedy Strikes as Illegal Immigrant Found Dead in Attempt to Cross the Rio Grande

In a tragic incident, an illegal immigrant was found dead while attempting to cross the treacherous Rio Grande in Eagle Pass, Texas. The Texas Department of Public Safety’s Tactical Marine Unit discovered the unidentified deceased man in a shallow portion of the river south of Shelby Park. This unfortunate event highlights the risks faced by individuals attempting to enter the United States illegally.

According to Lt. Chris Olivarez, a spokesperson for the Texas DPS, the Rio Grande has claimed the lives of approximately 2,300 illegal immigrants in the past three years. These deaths have been attributed to drownings, heat exhaustion, vehicle accidents, and hazardous conditions caused by human smuggling and harsh environmental factors. Olivarez emphasized that Texas is taking proactive measures to deter illegal border crossings, but a federal response is necessary to enforce current laws and prevent such tragedies.

This incident follows the recent deaths of three migrants, including a woman and two children, who drowned in the Rio Grande. Initially, accusations were made against the Texas Military Department, claiming that they had denied Border Patrol access to Shelby Park, where the migrants were in distress. However, an investigation conducted by the Texas Military Department found these accusations to be false. They stated that the drownings had already occurred by the time Border Patrol requested access, and Mexican authorities were already recovering the bodies.

The Texas Military Department clarified that their soldiers were in direct communication with Border Patrol when the request for access to Shelby Park was made. They informed Border Patrol that the bodies of two drowned migrants had already been recovered by Mexican authorities. Border Patrol’s request for access was specifically for securing two additional migrants who were presumed to have been traveling with the deceased individuals. These two migrants were apprehended by the Texas Military Department, with one turned over to the Department of Public Safety and the other transferred to EMS for initial treatment of hypothermic conditions.

As investigations continue into this heartbreaking incident, authorities are emphasizing the need for comprehensive efforts to address the complex issue of illegal immigration. The dangers posed by the Rio Grande and the risks taken by individuals seeking to cross the border illegally must be addressed through collaborative federal and state actions.

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