Pro-Life Movement Sees Growth in Membership and Rejects Abortion Advocacy

Chris Faddis, president of Solidarity HealthShare, spoke with Digital at the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. about the ongoing attacks on pro-life healthcare. Despite political setbacks for pro-life advocates since the Roe v. Wade decision, there has been a continued expansion of the pro-life cause. Many advocates are now calling for policies and programs that focus on supporting mothers and families, in addition to legal battles.

During the March for Life, Christina Francis, CEO of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG), emphasized the importance of addressing the reasons why women seek abortions and taking action to address those concerns. Some pro-life activists in the health profession have reported recent wins since the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson, which overturned decades of Roe precedent. These activists have observed a growth in membership, particularly after the Dobbs decision.

AAPLOG’s medical student and resident fellowships have doubled in size, increasing from about 200 to around 400 since 2022. Additionally, their total membership has grown from 7,000 to approximately 7,500. This surge in membership can be attributed, in part, to medical professionals feeling left behind by the pro-choice stances of major medical institutions. Many physicians are now recognizing the true positions of these institutions and are joining AAPLOG as a result.

One major medical association that has drawn criticism from pro-life advocates is the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). According to Francis, ACOG has acted inconsistently with the beliefs of many OB/GYNs regarding quality healthcare. ACOG’s statement in 2023 expressing the belief that abortion access should not be limited has raised concerns among physicians. Francis argues that while physicians may not hold the same position on abortion, they recognize the need for limitations and safeguards to ensure women’s safety and well-being.

ACOG has been accused of dismissing pro-life terms and spreading misinformation about abortion. They claim that terms such as “abortion up until birth” or “abortion after birth” are derogatory and not based on facts. ACOG also maintains that late-term abortions are rare and typically occur due to complications with the patient’s health or the pregnancy. This narrow perspective on abortion has led medical practitioners to question the credibility of major health groups that categorize abortion as healthcare.

The pro-life movement is not limited to Planned Parenthood clinics and pregnancy centers; it has permeated the healthcare system. Solidarity HealthShare President Chris Faddis argues that the healthcare system is pushing individuals towards early fetal testing, which can lead to abortions and subsequent reliance on organizations like Planned Parenthood for ongoing care.

In addition to advocating for pro-life policies, pro-life organizations are prioritizing support for struggling pregnant women and mothers. Concerned Women for America President Penny Nance highlights the importance of expanding resources for pregnant women, such as financial assistance, job support, and access to essential services. The proposal for a national clearinghouse, similar to the program in Mississippi, aims to provide pregnant women with comprehensive information and assistance tailored to their specific needs.

The March for Life has evolved into a political advocacy group, urging pro-life politicians to address the issue of abortion head-on and challenge their Democratic opponents. Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., emphasizes the need to highlight the extreme nature of the Democratic stance on abortion and force them to defend their position.

Overall, the pro-life movement has witnessed a growth in membership and a rejection of abortion advocacy among medical professionals. As the fight for the pro-life cause continues, advocates are focused on providing support for women facing unplanned pregnancies and challenging the narrative surrounding abortion.

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