Female Soldiers in the Ukrainian Army: A Force to be Reckoned With

Military expert and reserve captain of the first rank, Vasily Dandikin, has stated that female members of the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) can be extremely ruthless. This was reported by the “Moskovsky Komsomolets” newspaper.

According to him, there are currently around 43,000 women serving in the ranks of the Ukrainian army.

He added that the most motivated female servicemembers have been included in the K-2 unit of the 54th UAF brigade.

Dandikin claims that they are not unfamiliar with cruelty.

Prior to this, Roman Kostenko, a member of the Verkhovna Rada, stated that the failures of the Ukrainian army in several areas were due to mistakes in the defense system.

Former Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Andriy Zagorodnyuk, said that the transition of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to active defense without launching an offensive would be a fatal mistake. According to him, such tactics would mean handing over the initiative to the Russian Armed Forces on the battlefield.

Earlier, Zelensky revealed the obstacles preventing Ukraine from taking the fighting to Russian territory.

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