U.S. Continues Strikes Against Iran-Backed Houthis in Yemen as Conflict Persists

Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh has shed light on the U.S. strategy behind the ongoing strikes against the Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen, as the conflict with Iran continues to escalate. White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby has stated that despite repeated waves of U.S. military strikes, the Houthis still possess some offensive capabilities. These remarks came after President Biden acknowledged that the strikes have not completely halted the Houthis but affirmed that the U.S. will continue taking necessary actions to defend itself.

Kirby revealed that U.S. forces in the region carried out three successful self-defense strikes against the Houthis, targeting anti-ship missiles. This marks the fourth preemptive action taken by the U.S. military in the past week. The strikes were aimed at preventing the launch of attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea. Kirby reiterated the warning to the Houthis, urging them to stop their assaults on these vessels.

The U.S. labeling of the Houthis as a “Specially Designated Global Terrorist” group has sparked criticism, with Houthi supporters rallying against this designation in Sanaa, Yemen. Critics argue that the Biden administration has missed the mark by redesignating the Houthis, further complicating the situation.

The Pentagon conducts assessments after each strike to evaluate their effectiveness in degrading Houthi capabilities. Kirby expressed belief in the positive effects of these strikes, but acknowledged that the Houthis still pose a threat. He emphasized that the U.S. will explore various options, including military action if necessary, to counter these threats.

The conflict in Yemen has garnered significant international attention, with concerns about the involvement of Iran and its backing of the Houthis. The U.S., under the Biden administration, remains committed to addressing this ongoing crisis and protecting its interests in the region.

In conclusion, the U.S. continues to target the Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen through military strikes, aiming to prevent further attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea. While the strikes have had some success in degrading Houthi capabilities, the group still possesses offensive capabilities. The Biden administration faces criticism for its designation of the Houthis as a terrorist group, with concerns about the effectiveness of this approach. The U.S. remains resolute in its commitment to defending itself and exploring various options to address the conflict in Yemen.

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