Concealed Carry Holder Defends Himself Against Robbers in Facebook Marketplace Setup

An Illinois concealed carry permit holder successfully defended himself and his friend during a robbery attempt orchestrated through the Facebook Marketplace. The incident occurred when the permit holder and his friend met with several individuals who claimed to be selling a vehicle on the popular social media platform. However, upon arriving at the agreed meeting spot, they were surrounded by armed individuals who had no intention of selling a vehicle.

According to Peoria Police Department spokesperson Semone Roth, the investigation revealed that the encounter was a setup for robbery. In the alley where the meeting took place, the armed suspects attempted to rob the two men. Fortunately, one of the victims was also armed and a struggle ensued, leading to both parties exchanging gunfire.

Tragically, one of the robbery suspects was hit and died at the scene. Local authorities and emergency medical technicians arrived promptly, but their efforts were in vain as the suspect was pronounced dead. The concealed carry holder, who was legally authorized to carry a firearm across state lines, was released without any charges.

The Peoria Police Department is actively investigating the incident, and the Peoria County State’s Attorney’s office will review the case. In light of this incident, the police department issued a reminder to the public to exercise caution during online transactions like those on the Facebook Marketplace. They advised selecting meetup locations that are highly visible and preferably under video surveillance. Additionally, the police department’s parking lot and lobby are available for conducting such transactions.

The story serves as a reminder of the importance of personal safety and the potential risks associated with online transactions. It highlights the value of responsible gun ownership and the right to self-defense. The investigation is ongoing, and further updates will be provided as they become available.

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