New York Midwife Faces Massive Fines for Falsifying Vaccine Records

A midwife in New York is under fire and facing hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines after it was discovered that she substituted oral pellets for vaccines when inoculating infants. Jeanette Breen, the operator of Baldwin Midwifery in Nassau County, is accused of administering homeopathic pellets as an alternative to vaccines and falsifying records to hide the switch.

The New York state Department of Health has condemned Breen’s actions, emphasizing the potential danger they pose to public health. State Health Commissioner Dr. James McDonald stated, “Misrepresenting or falsifying vaccine records puts lives in jeopardy and undermines the system that exists to protect public health.” The department has pledged a thorough investigation and plans to use all available enforcement tools against those found guilty of such violations.

Breen now faces approximately $300,000 in fines for falsifying the medical records of her child patients. The pellets she used were marketed as a sufficient replacement for standard vaccinations, although they are not approved for use by any federal agencies. It has been reported that the parents of the children who received the oral pellets were aware of the midwife’s decision.

The scheme to substitute vaccines with homeopathic pellets reportedly began in 2019 when New York ended religious exemptions for vaccination requirements due to the coronavirus pandemic. This policy change left around 26,000 children unable to attend school unless their vaccinations were updated.

The homeopathic pellets, claimed to treat a variety of illnesses including polio, hepatitis, and measles, have been deemed ineffective by health experts. However, Breen allegedly continued to administer them, endangering the health of the infants under her care.

Health Department officials have revealed that Breen has already paid approximately $150,000 in fines, half of the total amount imposed. The remaining fines have been suspended on the condition that her practice ceases the administration of vaccines and refrains from falsifying records in the future.

This case serves as a reminder of the importance of adhering to vaccination protocols and the potential consequences of falsifying medical records. The New York state Department of Health is committed to holding accountable those who jeopardize public health through such actions.

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