Former ESPN Sportscaster Survives Miraculous Crash on Southern California Freeway

A former ESPN sportscaster, Cordell Patrick, miraculously survived a terrifying crash that ejected him from an RV onto a busy Southern California freeway. Patrick, who spoke to FOX11 Los Angeles from his hospital bed, credited a higher power for his survival. He sustained multiple broken bones and road burns over 60% of his body but described his survival as a miracle.

The incident occurred when Patrick and his wife were returning from an RV trip to their home in Valencia. As they were traveling on State Route 14, the vehicle swerved into the median. Patrick had just unbuckled his seat belt to use the restroom when the crash happened. He described how the impact launched him through the driver’s side window and sent him sliding and bouncing 175 feet down the freeway into oncoming traffic.

Dashcam video captured the harrowing moment when Patrick was ejected from the RV, narrowly avoiding being struck by another vehicle. Despite sustaining severe injuries, Patrick managed to drag himself out of the freeway lane and onto the median, where he waited for help.

A good Samaritan named Alf Smithey stopped along the freeway and rushed to Patrick’s aid. Smithey recalled that Patrick’s first concern was for his wife’s well-being. Fortunately, she also survived the crash. Patrick will undergo surgery to aid in his recovery.

When asked why he believed he had survived, Patrick pointed upwards and credited a higher power. He described his mindset during the ordeal, stating that he refused to be defeated that day.

This miraculous survival story serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of accidents and the resilience of the human spirit. Despite the challenges Patrick now faces in his recovery, his story is a testament to the power of faith and determination in the face of adversity.

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